A High Hope in Hell

It was Ashmeer who broke the kiss, pushing her away from him. She leaned towards his warmth, not wanting to let go, her lips still puckered in a kiss, a tiny moan escaping her lips. She didn't want to end this bliss, there had been snow and fire and warmth and coolness altogether.

She had been flying in the sky, and now she had come crashing back to Earth.

"Ashmeer," she whispered.

She opened her eyes to look at him, and suddenly saw the scar, red and livid. His dark eyes seemed even darker than before, his face was pale and he looked like he would tear something down.

"Ashmeer....., " she asked louder, now worried, the moments of bliss torn from her. "What's wrong Ashmeer?"

He shook off the moment, and looked back at her, the colour returning to his face.

"You need to come into the mines with me Azriel," he rasped.

She took a step back from him and exclaimed, "What?"

"Azriel, I felt it in your blood, in your heartbeat. I felt Andora within you. You need to help me stop the Blight."

"Ashmeer...I ..what..how did you?"

He grimaced and said,"Azriel, it's time to get real and grow up now. You are a whisperer of the land, I can hear it in your blood. And you have...", he looked around and stepped up close to her, his lips near her ear.

"You have magic in you Azriel, we both know that don't we?"

"How ....what....., " she stammered.

"Oh Please Azriel, I am not a statesman, I cannot tell long stories. I want you to know that there is something very special about you. Something so special that it can put your life in great danger. There is a reason you can safely make your way to the ruined castle despite the wards."

"Wait, " she asked, her heart hammering in her chest. The sun had gone down further now and it was almost dark in the woods. Dark and cold suddenly. Azriel shivered and held Ashmeer's arm.

"Ashmeer, I do not understand, one moment you are kissing me and the other you are pushing me away and telling me my life is in danger. I can't understand"How do anything anymore. What are the wards you speak of? I..."

"Azriel!" he exclaimed, "cutting her off, "There are wards around the ruined castle. Wards that have been cast by powerful mages and witches to keep it hidden from the rest of the world. It hides it's own secrets Azriel, but you pass these wards easily. That means your magic is as powerful, if not more powerful than that of those mages and witches and..."

He suddenly clamped his mouth shut and said, "I do not wish to have this conversation any further. It grows darker and the ruined castle in darkness is not the safest of places. Let me escort you back to the picnic now. We might anyway be creating a scandal for your kinsmen and nobles."

"But Ashmeer, I have so many questions to ask of you. You speak to me in half sentences and riddles. I am so confused and ..."

His eyes softened and he held her in his arms, giving her a quick hug.

"Azriel, my Little One, in two days you have become dear to me. I promise you I won't keep you in the dark forever, but there is too much at stake and too much to tell. You will need to be patient with me, mia kara!"

Mia Kara...he had called her his love, in the language of the bards. Ashmeer was a surprising man, revealing so many facets of his personality to her in little glimpses. Yet, as they briskly walked back to the lakeshore path, she wondered if he realized that being soft and patient was not part of her personality. And as for her going down into scary mines near the Blight with him, without knowing what role she had to play, well he had a high hope in hell if she thought she was going to do that without getting some answers out.