
The next morning, Azriel awoke with a sob in her throat. She felt utterly alone in the world. She realized that this was mostly the fate of all women, once they were married off and sent away to other lands, and kingdoms. But, she never imagined that her situation would be so odd. Meeting Layla, last night had shaken her to the very core. Never in her life had she imagined she would become a co-wife to another woman, that to to a woman as lovely as Layla.

As she went through the motions of getting dressed and breakfast, she kept wondering what was in her future. Ashdeer was obviously a good man, but she was too much in awe of him to feel anything for him other than a quiet respect. On the other hand, Ashmeer had been young and boyish, he had made her heart beat faster. His kisses and flirtation had made her feel expectant of her life with him. Yet, he had in the end, broken her heart. She felt tears prick her eyes, as she recalled the way he had callously denounced her once his purpose with her had been solved. She remembered how he had been ready to kill her for his cause. She had meant nothing to him. She discreetly wiped away her tears from the corner of her eye, loathing to show weakness to anyone around her. She was still Lady Azriel, a scion of Andora and Irismus, a whisperer of Andora and a bearer of the blood of the Silver Phoenix. No one could take all that away from her.

"And my reluctant pupil..., "murmured the Book rather gently, as if it understood her pain,

"Must you always listen into my thoughts," exclaimed Azriel crossly.

"It happens...I can't help it...., " The Book said sulkily and then kept quiet.

"Lady Azriel ....would you be ready to meet your lesson masters now?"

Tara stood in front of her respectfully, her head bowed and Azriel nodded. Tara smiled and said, "Shall we leave then?"

"Of course, lead the way." Azriel responded.

As she stepped outside, Wole smiled at her with a morning greeting. He loped behind Tara and her at a respectful distance. They walked down the winding narrow slate grey corridors, with steps leading them up and down and two, which even ran sideways.

"Sideways steps? Who in the world does that?"

Tara answered with a shrug, "We don't really understand the mechanism ourselves, but apparently it helps to travel across the large expanses faster. The sideways steps take you from one wing to another of the Fortress in a jiffy, there is obviously some magic to it but we wouldn't know all of it." Her whiskers were rather twitchy today, which Azriel decided was due to the quiet but insistent presence of Wole with them.

They turned into a corridor full of books and ancient plants. Azriel was entranced by one particular set of flowers that bloomed a large orange and looked like a human face contorted in laughter in the middle. She almost reached out to touch it, when Wole was by her side holding her hand in a lighting flash, "Careful Lady Azriel, Victus keeps strange pets here in his wing, and not all our friendly. Some have known to eaten parts of people, or swallowed them whole."

She gulped and wondered if she had come close to missing a hand right now. They walked slowly, past the large books and big vials of glass with many kinds of creatures in them. Some looked like tiny babies, while other's looked like monsters complete with scales and large teeth. She shuddered looking at the array and decided to keep her eyes on the floor as they walked. Abruptly, Tara stopped at another green door and beckoned to Azriel, "Lady Azriel, it's best you go in and wait for Victus to come."

Azriel nodded, as Wole and Tara, respectfully waited outside. She felt a little trepidation as she walked into the room, which was full of tables and books and maps and many odd sort of bric a brac, much of which she did not recognize. There was a stool in the center of the room where she went and sat down quietly, assuming it was for her. She looked around and wondered when Victus would come. Half an hour passed, and she felt like getting up and stretching her legs. But then she wondered, was this a test? Was Victus trying to test her? She asked the Book, "Is this a test Book?"

But the Book was silent and still sulking after their altercation in the morning. Instead, she sighed and decided to sit it out some more. Another hour passed. She was not impatiently tapping her foot on the floor, but she knew that this was a test she would pass, no matter what happened. She felt thirsty as well and her throat felt parched, but she resolutely sat on the stool. Half an hour later, a very tiny man, with a grey monk's habit and a long white beard walked into the room, took one look at her and clapped his hands, "Bravo......bravo......"

She looked at him inquisitively and asked, "Victus?"

"To you, madame I will be Master Victus!"

"I apologize, Master Victus!"

"You have learnt your first lesson today, you may leave."

"My first lesson?"

"Yes, your first lesson, which we shall discuss tomorrow. I am not fond of unnecessary questions, madame, you may leave now."

Azriel got off the stool, bowed to Master Victus and left. Her mind was full of questions but no one was going to answer them immediately. So she decided to keep her counsel as Tara and Wole took her for her next lesson.

"Where is our next lesson?", she asked curiously, wondering what more was in store for her.

They had just reached a large hall, full of mirrors on both sides as well as on the ceiling. All sorts of weapons lay in a corner of the hall. It was empty save for a few mattresses lying on the side. Azriel was wondering what kind of room it was, and what purpose it was used for, when suddenly, Tara tripped her and pushed her to the ground. Her knee was soon on Azriel's chest.

"Woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, " Azriel screamed in shock.

"Forgive me Lady Azriel, but I am your first lesson in combat. Your first lesson is to never let your guard down. I apologise but we are going to have to practice a few more of these moves today."

Azriel sat on the ground stupefied, while Wole looked around the room and everywhere but at her and Tara. He was obviously embarrassed by what was going on but he wasn't supposed to intervene. He had been chosen to protect Azriel from outside enemies and not her internal combat coach.

"I get it completely Tara, but I have never ever done things like this. You are going to at least teach me some moves."

Sure Tara said and lent Azriel a hand to get up. Azriel had just stood up when Tara tripped her all over again. This time Azriel fell to her side, hurting her knee, and tears sprang up in her eyes. "That hurt."

"I apologise again, Lady Azriel....but this is your first lesson in combat."

Azriel got up gingerly, feeling her knee and nodded, "Now what?"

Tara gave her a blow in her stomach, which knocked the wind out of her. She dry heaved and stood again and said, "This lesson is very strange."

Yet, this time when Tara came for her, Azriel realized that she was under attack and managed to fling herself on the side, just in time.

"Good going Lady Azriel. This is your first lesson for combat. Always be ready and trust no one!"