
Azriel stood there panting as she and Tara were locked in a stronghold with each other. Tara was definitely the stronger of them both, but in the past day or so, Azriel had begun to feel like she was beginning to hold her ground. The morning runs and workouts she had begin to do with Wole since the past fifteen days had begun to yield small results.

Sweat dripped down her forehead as she pushed Tara with another heave. She felt the other girl's body give a little way and a small cheer ran inside her. It was another matter that Tara used that very moment to trip her ankle and land her back on the ground, this time thankfully on the mattress that she realized served this very purpose.

Wole clapped his hands from the side and said, "I can see improvement Lady Azriel, your form is improving."

"It better" she said wiping the sweat off her brow with a small towel. She felt better and stronger somehow. She turned to Wole and asked, "Any news of the Duke?"

"No, Lady Azriel, he has not returned as yet."

"And Layla?"

"We have no news Lady Azreil."

She nodded, sometimes wondering if they even told her everything that was going on. Instead of fretting about her future she spent her time focusing on her workouts with Wole and training sessions with Tara. The two mostly fulfilled her needs for companionship and her evenings were often spent reading myths and legends of Irismus or playing checkers with them. Ilana had not turned up after the first day she had screamed at her and Azriel was quite content with her solitude.

Wole cleared his throat and said, "Victus has indicated he can meet you today for lessons. If you could freshen up quickly, we can go and meet him as well."

Azriel nodded, she was not every excited to meet the gnomish man. In her last and only lesson, he had made her sit and wait for him for almost two hours before dismissing her off. She wondered what he would do today. A little while later, she was sitting on the same wooden stool, her arms crossed across her chest, fully prepared to spend the next two hours doing absolutely nothing. Instead, Victus walked in and boomed, "Time to play some chess Azriel, come now, time waits for no one."

She was rather surprised and heard the Book whisper, "The old dodger loves that game, let him play the white always and he will like you better."

"Teach me how to win" she whispered back to the Book.

"Must use own wits....own charm.......not your slave!", was the saucy response and Azriel sighed. She spent the next three days playing multiple games of chess with Victus and losing all of them. Finally on the fourth day he said, "Lets brew some tea."

"Tea?" she asked in surprise.

"Yes, brewing tea is a very important aspect of leadership."

"Tea and leadership", Azriel wondered. She had decided that Victus was old and eccentric but she played along. As they placed leaves in the water, and a little milk and herbs, Azriel watched the tea come to a boil. She was about to get the tea off the burner when Victus held her hand and handed her a small metal plate. "Cover the tea."

Azriel did as she was told and then watched him switch off the burner.

"Patience is a great virtue Azriel. However, you have none. In tea, we let it brew, as we must sometimes let problems brew and decisions percolate and not be hasty in our thoughts. But if you let them brew too long then you will get a bitter tea", he expertly lifted the lid and poured them two cups, continuing, "A good leader must learn to brew things expertly, at just the right time, not too short and not too long."

"Similarly with your game of chess, Azriel. You play an aggressive game, but you sacrifice too many of your higher players very quickly. You let yourself get surrounded and play on the defense most of the time. You are terrified to take the offence."

Azriel gulped and said, "In Andora I was brought up to be a lady and stay away from conflict."

"Unfortunately my dear, the real world is not like that. You must learn the right opportunities and take the right challenges. You must learn to play both offence and defense. Too much of either is bad."

Azriel sipped her tea and suddenly realized that Victus had spent the past few days testing her. He looked at her watchfully right now, a canny look on his face.

"Azriel, from tomorrow I wish for you to think very carefully on what is the purpose of your life. Define your purpose. Here is a small plant, I wish for you to grow and bloom in your room."

"How do I look after it?" Azriel asked in confusion.

"You will learn, slowly but surely Azriel....that is your the meantime, tomorrow, you and I are going to go and plant some potatoes."

"Potatoes?" she asked him in shock.

"Yes, I cannot teach you anything from books Azriel. Statecraft has no written lessons. A good leader is intuitive and understands his or her people well. They understand the laws of nature and humanity most of all. You must learn what is fair and just and learn how to make a low that will benefit each and every person. As a leader, each decision you will make will affect millions of lives."

Azriel nodded and gulped and said, "Victus. I don't think I am a leader. I don't even know what I am to be."

"The river will always flow it's course, will be what you will be but whatever you will be, you must be ready to take the challenges on. My dear friend Ashdeer is a good man and he is only working to prepare you for the days ahead, whatever they may be. Remember my little friend, knowledge is power."