Riding the Erols

Azriel felt a surge of excitement as Tara dropped her to one of the highest ramparts of the fortress just after dawn. It was a surreal space for Azriel, a taste of freedom after being copped up for so long. From here, Azriel could see the entire vista of the fortress, as well as the mountain ranges of Kush. She could see below into the dizzying depths of the courtyard, where she had first arrived. The rampart had a long trail, running across the entire length of the fortress, across, meandering up and down. On the long trail, were tiny diamond shaped holes for firing arrows and what like...every hundred feet or so were outcrops, where a canon could fit. At that height anything fired from here could be devastating. There were also large wooden platforms fitted across the edges, of the ramparts, with a walkway leading to them. The wooden platforms had a railing to support them and save the person standing on them from falling below.

"Whatever could those platforms be for? And who could be using them??"

"They are for the one's who need to fly out.....just easier that way!"

She looked back to see Ashdeer walk towards her in his full military uniform. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched him stride in, he looked larger than life today. His shoulders looked even broader in the uniform, but his dark eyes were full of merriment. Last night, she remembered them full of passion, when they had kissed. Yet, once he had gained control of himself, he had been a gentleman and they had sat to dinner. He had told her about his vigil by Layla's side as the last of her life had ebbed away, and how he had then sent his son to her parents who lived in a remote valley in Irismus to be looked after. He had then gone to secure the periphery of Irismus and spent many times tightening up security protocols across the entire Kingdom.

Right now though, he was here with her, grinning away at her. Azriel looked on the ground to see two large shadows approaching, and immediately looked a the sky. She almost screamed when she saw two very large lizard like creatures approaching them.

Ashdeer grabbed her arm and said, "Easy Azriel, those are our rides today."

She looked in amazement as the great beasts landed on the rampart with a gentle thud. They were large like lizards, with elongated eyes and large snouts. Tiny tusks came out of their sides, and they had large grey bodies with wings by their side. There was even a saddle on them, like one would have for rising a horse.

"Wow!", was all she was able to finally say.

The beasts gave out a loud trumpet and Ashdeer walked upto them and petted them on their trunks. He motioned to Azriel to join him and she placed a tentative hand on the scaly body of the beast.

"These are Erols. They are a cross between an elephant and a lizard. They are very ferocious in the wild, but once trained they are perfect rides for this mountainous terrain. They can climb up and down the steepest mountains and even manage icy slopes. They do fly, but for very short stints, just basic hops."

"Are we going to ride these?"

"Yes, of course we are! Horses would never be able to handle the steep slopes of the fortress."

Azriel gulped. She was terrified.

"I don't think I can do this..."

"You don't need to do anything. You just need to sit on top if it. The beast will do the rest."

"What if I fall off?"

Ashdeer laughed and said, "We aren't going to any such treacherous place today. I thought a short ride across the fortress and maybe a small forest excursion would be good for you."

Azriel was very tempted. Her life had felt very confided after the terrible attack at the melee. Wole and Tara were kind and respectful but they watched her like hawks all the time. She needed this so badly.

"All right then...let me try it." With great trepidation, she mounted the beast, which stood perfectly still.

"Don't panic or scream Azriel and hang on tight to the reins of the beast. If you feel dizzy or scared, then just raise your left hand and I will get us to come to a halt."

She nodded, feeling both exhilaration and fear at the same time, but compared to everything she had gone through in the past couple of months, this was easy to do.

The beasts lurched ahead in a gentle lope and soon they were traversing across the fortress. They trotted down a narrow wall, and then took sharp turns across the corners. Horses would have skidded by now hurtling them several hundred feet to their death, but the Erols were unfazed. They were merrily trotting away at a pace that Azriel suspected had been defined for her. She held onto the reins for dear life watching the fortress flit across her.

Soon, they arrived at a large gate, which was already opened with two attendants standing respectfully at either side. They trotted out of the gates, onto a large path and then finally towards the edge of the hill. The path was ending abruptly at the edge as well and Azriel realized with slight horror that the Erols were going to jump. She heard her own screams and watched in sheer amazement as the beasts gracefully bridged the terrifying gap between the hills and landed them on a grassy slope, full of scented pine trees. Once her heartbeat normalised, Azriel giggled and said, "Wow, that was....."

"Something else right?" Ashdeer asked with a grin. "Am so glad you liked it. We are in the forests of the Kush ranges now. I suggest you stay as close to me as possible because while this is a safe place, after the attack in the melee I am very worried about anything happening, anywhere."

Azriel listened to him and yet, a part of her was too distracted by the beauty of the forest to focus on his words.

"Azriel, I'm serious. Please don't let your guard down. Guard your mind and thoughts. Be vigilant. If you hear anything, please let me know."

Azriel nodded, but right now she was too exhilarated to be finally out in the woods. The sun dappled on the trees, there were birds chirping and squirrels around. She felt wonderful as she walked under the majestic pine trees, watching clouds flit across the mountains.

The voice caught her unprepared.

"Azzzzriel...................my love!"