Freedom Finally!

"There is no way I'm going to let Azriel do that."

Ashdeer's face was red with fury. Azriel watched him pace up and down his study with his hands behind his back.

The Book lay on his table, now silent.

"Azriel, you agreed to this?", he faced her now, his dark eyes blazing. Aranus was sitting in a corner now, picking imaginary lint off his tunic. Ilana was furiously puffing away at her pipe. They both looked quite cowed down by Ashdeer's anger.

"Ashdeer. As you know, the Book and I are..."

"I know....linked...linked by the Finder's Oath. I know what it is, but we can't be putting your life at risk like this....this's's not safe at all and you still haven't reached your magical powers fully."

Azriel's face settled into a mutinous expression.

"Quinn trusts me, to do this...we owe it to him. He got us out of the mines. He helped us where he could. He helped me with the wraiths."