Hello Quinn

The next day after the kiss, Ashdeer was his gentlemanly self as always. He was gone from the chamber before she woke up. In his place the two tiny women were present instead, as was Tara. The two women had no lips, just nose and eyes and wore grey habits, similar to what Victus wore. They were about four feet in height and their upturned noses and peculiar watery eyes, made them look like sad and somber children rather than adults.

Tara held a tray with a porridge of some kind, that smelt really good to Azriel. Her stomach growled when Tara placed the tray in front of her.

"Somebody is hungry, that is a really good sign."

She pushed away the sheers, letting the brilliant mountain sunlight filter into the chamber and Azriel felt alive.

As she ate the divine tasting porridge, the Silent Sisters stood beside her bed, waiting patiently.

"Is she better now?" Tara asked them.

They both nodded in unison.