
Ashdeer POV

Ashdeer looked at Farhad in shock. 

"Say this is not true!"

"Unfortunately, it is, it seems that the Shamam is no longer in this world."


He was found dead in his bed. His throat was slit. It seemed he entered into a duel with someone in the other world and he lost. It wasn't a clean kill. Whoever did this, lingered it on and stabbed him multiple times before that. They obviously took sadistic pleasure in the kill."

Ashdeer stood with his arms crossed. The cold Northern winds after the balmy weather of Dilorus should have been a shock for him. But he had travelled the currents to find his way to Farhad immediately. He had hoped to discuss Azriel's kidnapping with the Shamam. He had defeated Kali once, he had hoped for a solution to getting Azriel back from the Blight without having to declare all out war against the Blight.