Try Try Try Again

(Azriel POV)

Azriel focused a little longer this time. She knew Kali had been furious the past two days, when nothing had happened. But, strangely, she did not whip her or hit her. Instead, she actually sent her more food. She wondered what was happening, with her. Kali was almost calm with her nowadays, and this was not the Kali she knew. 

She looked sadly at the stone, wishing it to blast away into oblivion but felt confused. Instead she focused her energy on that kernel of magic within her. She expanded it in her mind, till it was larger than her, a practice, Kali had taught her a day before. She imagined it broadening around her till it became larger than her, till it became a liquid bearing her, till it became a large, dark brown sea, on which she found herself floating. She felt enveloped by it, in a warm, fuzzy place, far away from the Blight. She would have stayed there forever, but she heard Kali's voice coming from far away.