War never serves anyone!

(Ashdeer POV) ....across the currents of time

Ashdeer looked at Quinn in shock.

'So, the Dragon powers were divided across three earlier?'

'Yes, they were, but then after the Ruin, things changed.' Quinn said sadly.

"What now? What will we see now?"

"Wait" said Quinn. He moved his hand and again they fell across the vortex onto a plain where two armies had gathered. Quinn pulled Ashdeer along and they soon stood on the side of one army, where Malia stood with two Dragon Lords. The second woman was there as well, looking very worried. 

One of the Dragon Lords looked at her and said, '"Take the children and run to the Kush mountains Parama. Go to the Shamam and stay under his protection among the Northern Clans. We will come to find you, once the battle is over."