Not Her!

(Azriel POV)

"Very well then, now that my work is done. I must leave. I think Nuria will only return with my wine by evening." Elena said, "Getting up."

As if on cue, Nuria returned with the glass of wine and said, "No, the wine is right here Mistress Elena, but am afraid that naughty child Aria cannot be found anywhere."

"What?" asked Azriel.

"Yes, I got late because I was looking all over her. She isn't here in the living caves, so I have sent a boy till the human hutments to check. She lives with a sickly mother, so maybe the mother is not well."

"Yes, maybe." said Azriel, now feeling an odd dread suddenly. It seemed too much of a co-incidence that she had met Aria's brother yesterday and today the girl had simply vanished.

"Aunt Nuria," she asked, "Will you please keep a lookout for the girl and let me know the moment you find her. Even if it is late evening."

"Yes of course, Azriel...I mean Lady Azriel. I will check for sure."