
(Ashdeer POV)

For three days, Azriel burned with a strange fever that left her lucid, but drowsy. Instead of being warm to touch, her body was ice cold. On the fourth day, the Silent Sisters paid Ashdeer a visit in his study where he was now camped out most of the day and night. He had felt awkward sleeping next to Azriel, in this state. He had done a lot of soul searching once she had run away and felt he had imposed herself on her. Yet, he was sick with worry for her, and kept popping in and out of his chambers. 

He was currently feeling exhausted and bleary eyed, but this audience with the Sisters was important. He bowed to them respectfully and asked, "I pray you tell me the truth. I am not seeing her stir at all since the past day and a half. I am worried about her."

"It is cause to worry" spoke the Sisters in unison.

"What can we do, please, I beg you to let me know what is wrong with her?"