Discovering Bella

(Bella POV)

I had never seen a place like this in my entire life. It was so BIG! I sat up looking at the cold marble floors, the stone shiny and rich. Around me were pristine white walls in a room that was larger than the small hut I had lived in with grandmother. In fact, it would have held at least two or three such huts. 

I looked at the strange pale man, in the black uniform as he whispered something to the very tall, elegant dark woman. She was stunning. I had never seen skin like that in my life. The Northern clans were all very fair, and blonde. Just like me. Yet, this woman was very tall, and voluptuous. Her dark hair was smoothed into a bun and she wore a long grey monk's habit. Her luminous dark eyes looked full of grief. 

She nodded at the man and then turned to look at me again. Her sad eyes were full of compassion.

I wondered if they would give me something to eat. Right now, I was feeling very tired, lost, and hungry.