
Bella POV

I ran towards the direction the old man had pointed to. I anyway didn't know where to go and right now I really didn't have anything to lose. So I ran.

I reached the fence and crouched behind a shrub. I could see one of the guards snooping around on the perimeter of the monastery. I kept low and tried my best to blend in the background. Luckily, the guard was distracted and was looking in the other direction. 

I slowly shimmied across to the opening in the fence. It was big enough for me to slowly jump across. It was a surprise no one had bothered to see this. I pushed myself hoping nothing would catch on my clothes. Slowly, I inched my way across to the other side. As I slowly crawled across on my hands and knees I finally felt the last of the fence behind me. 

I stood up, dusting off the dust off my clothes, and stood up.