On the Run Again!

Bella Pov

I slept fitfully, despite a full belly and a warm and soft bed from the one I had had in the past few days. My dreams were haunted by odd dreams that seemed to be too vivid to be just dreams. I turned and tossed and then suddenly, I was not in the forest, sleeping on the bed anymore, but walking in a lovely rose garden, on large manicured grounds that were obviously the home of some rich lord. 

A man walked beside me. A young man with a scar and dark eyes flecked with gold. 

He smiled at me and looked deep into my eyes. For a moment, I forgot his scar and fell into the inky black pupils. I could see the gold flecks in them and time stood still. The music from the garden faded away and I could hear my own heart beating very fast. We stood there facing each other for a long moment, till he looked away breaking the spell.