Secret Missions

Ashdeer POV


"I hate this place!" muttered Ishatar as I sat there looking at her. 

"Are we now discussing Sparade?" I asked her.

"No," she answered looking downcast at the pristine marble floor. 

"We made some mistakes with Azriel, Ashdeer. We didn't realize that she would sacrifice herself to save The Blight. It was an error on our part." she said. 

"Who is our? I have a Kingdom to save and a mission to complete here. So pardon my lack of patience." I bit back. 

"I want you to take Bella under your tutelage when you return. I mean, at least speak to her a bit." she persisted. 

"What do you want me to do? I tried with Azriel, did I not. Please don't even make me go down that route again. I failed miserably. She ran away." I answered bitterly.