A Sister Pact

Bella POV

Elephant Rocks, Ravines, New Irismus

Wole looked up at the rocks and said, "Well, here we are!"

We all looked at the rocks thankfully. The searing heat had drained us all of any thought or energy. Our clothes were damp on our backs and our water bottles were already half, with not much sign of water. He nodded to us and we all got off our horses. Iris looked pale and I wondered what was wrong with her. I could sense her heartbeat slowing down from our bond.

"Iris?" I ran to her, "Are you all right?"

She looked at me and I could see her lips were parched and her body warm. She was dehydrated and looking very unwell. I opened my water bottle and placed some water on her lips. She drank a bit and then a little more.