He looked like he wanted to say something, but his gag was preventing him from doing so.

Suddenly the door opens and in walks Tomura and dabi. Tomura laughs," you look so pathetic almost as pathetic as when you didnt know what was going on with your body, when you first couldnt old down our food." My eyes widen staring up at him." H-how do you know about that? I left, nobody should know." He laughs.

"Nagisa weve been watching you the whole time. There wasnt a day that went by that we didnt know your location." I gulp shaking my head. How, I checked everything. I left no trace. I paid with cash wore a wig for a while. How did they find me. Does someone in there group have a tracking quirk.

"Anyway nagisa we know about you little apitight. And we want you to come back to the us. So here's how it's going to go. You either join us quietly with no fighting or.... I leave you both strapped to these chairs until your hunger pains and you attack bakugo here. I admit he has a powerful quirk, but yours. You hold a different type of quirk all together, one that could help us set this world right."

I gulp I cant go with them. Theres no telling what they could do to me or even bakugo. Who's to say after I go with them they dont just kill bakugo. But if I wait to long I could lose control. No, I wont loose control. I'll protect bakugo no matter wait. Kirishima is friends with bakugo therefore protecting bakugo will be my number one priority.

Looking up I glare at tomura. He sighs, before grinning. Walking to my side, he places a hand on my shoulder

I gasp, the pain spreads through out my body." Let's see how long you last." With that he let's go walking out of the room through the same door. Dabi following him.

Sighing my head slumps forward.

                      3 days later

I gulp my stomach growling loudly. It was clear I was hungry. I'm sure my stomach would wake bakugo from his sleep.

I naw at the inside of my mouth tasting blood. It tasted nasty. Like rotten meat. Gulping I hold my breath trying not to smell bakugos forest spice scent.

                    3 days later

I'm sure my eyes were there black color with the red pupil by the way bakugo kept staring at me. My stomach hurt so bad and my mouth was watering from bakugos scent. He smelled like a freshly smoked steak. I couldnt take much more of this. I felt like at any moment when tomura or dabi would come in to feed bakugo, I would attack them on sight.

                           2 days later

"Bakugo, please look away. I dont want you to see this." He stares at me before reluctantly complying. I bite into my shoulder tasting the rotten meat. I wanted to spit the vile thing out, but I was to hungry. I continue eating even through the pain. It will heal.

After about 10 minutes I stop. The pain in my stomach subsiding for now. Pulling against my chains again I still couldnt break them. What were these chains made of.

Bakugo wouldnt look at me. Had he saw me. I hope not. The league of villains moved us yesterday to a where house somewhere. I don't know where we're at, but as much as I hate to admit it, I'm scared. From where we sat in the corner. We had clear visibility to rows and rows and rows of nomus in test tubes. We needed to get out of here.

Struggling against my chains they dont budge. Suddenly all all for one comes in. He silently grabs the back of bakugos chair dragging him out. I could do nothing but struggle against my binds. I was so weak, no I can't pity myself now. I need to save bakugo.

I continue struggling against the chains feeling a warm liquid drip down my wrists and hands. I dont stop though. I almost had one hand free when a door slam open and in run three heros. I gasp eyes widening." OVER HERE." I scream causing them to jump. They run over, I recognized two of them. The other I didnt know. One was kami woods, the other mount lady. Mount lady sees the chains binding me and tries breaking them to no avail. She suddenly grows very large. But not large enough to break the ceiling. She pulls the chains easily breaking them.

I stand rubbing my wrists. My hands and wrist were covered in blood." We need to get out of here." I say, they nod. We run out of the building but suddenly theres a loud explosion. I'm thrown away from the building landing with a sharp pain. Looking behind me I see a large piece of metal impaling my stomach. I cough up blood looking around. The heros were all unconscious. I try getting up but the metal was impaling the ground as well. Even with a strength quirk I couldn't make it budge. My vision darkens as blood continues to pour from the wound.

Was this it? Was this how I was going to die? I knew I was weak, but not this weak and I had to drag innocent heros into it. I close my eyes feeling the effect of the blood loss. I wish I could have told kiri.....that....I...loved.......him. I frown drifting into the unfamiliar darkness.

Opening my eyes I see myself standing right in front of me. Was I dead? "If we dont hurry we both will." I stare shocked as the other me spoke." Listen there isn't much time to explain. In a matter of minutes you will be dead. Even with you regeneration ability you will still die. I'm the you that was taken away in the shadow realm. I've been training these past few years to prepare us for our role. You see we our the queen of the shadow realm and if we die here. The beasts in our realm will become uncontrollable and break free to the surface and weck havac across the human world.