The Ball

Young Mistress Liu and Young Master Fu prepared to confront the group of guys who had arrived at their door by standing side by side.

No matter what, they knew they couldn't let them take her.

Young Master Fu glided with a grace and quickness that was almost supernatural as the men advanced.

He deflected their attacks and retaliated with swift, accurate motions that left them dazed.

Young Mistress Liu marvelled as he battled, her pulse racing with anticipation and anxiety.

She grabbed a nearby vase and swung it at the closest assailant because she knew she had to contribute. She seized a vase that was close by and swung it at the nearest assailant.

As the vase broke, pieces of porcelain flew everywhere.

Blood flowed from a deep incision as the man fell backwards and grabbed at his face.

Yet, there were still a lot more of them, and they appeared to be winning the battle.

Due to their disadvantage in numbers, Young Master Fu and Young Mistress Liu appeared to have little chance of success.

A squad of policemen stormed through the door just as things were about to get the worst.

They were alerted of the attack and came just in time to step in and stop it.

The police pursued the guys as they dispersed and fled in all directions.

Young Mistress Liu and Young Master Fu were left standing in the centre of the space, sweating and panting.

Young Mistress Liu raised her eyes in thanksgiving as she turned to face Young Master Fu.

I appreciate that," she remarked.

Without you, "I don't know what I would have done."

With a kind grin and warm gaze, young Master Fu looked at her.

He promised, "I'll always be here for you."

"Regardless of what occurs."

Young Mistress Liu knew her life would never be the same when the assailants were taken away by the police.

She was aware that she could deal with anything, though, as long as Young Master Fu was at her side.