The Secret Garden

Young Mistress Liu and Young Master Fu had finally located the proof required to expose the dishonest authorities who had been exploiting her family for years.

The moment had come for them to act after months of arduous effort gathering evidence and putting together their case.

They met with a dependable buddy who had pledged to assist them in exposing the corruption—a journalist.

They discussed their evidence and developed a strategy together.

The journalist revealed the corruption and long-kept truths that had plagued her family for generations in a damning exposé that was published the next day.

The news created a sensation and quickly circulated across the entire city and beyond.

Outraged, the authorities denied everything and attempted to fabricate a favourable version of events.

It was too late, though.

The public was calling for justice because the evidence was overwhelming.

Young Mistress Liu and Young Master Fu kept an anxious eye on the proceedings from the sidelines.

While they were aware that the journey ahead would be challenging and lengthy, they were prepared for whatever lay ahead.

The inquiry went on as the days evolved into weeks.

Additional authorities were implicated as a result of newly discovered evidence.

Justice was being carried out gradually but steadily.

Young Master Fu and Young Mistress Liu remained united in their love and their resolve to make up for the wrongs done to her family throughout it all.

While they were aware that they still had a long road ahead of them, they were prepared to travel it together.