The Escape

Young Mistress Liu and Young Master Fu kept up their rigorous work on their foundation, but they also had time to savour the simple things.

Together, they went on park strolls, to the movies, and dining at novel places.

They went to a jazz club nearby one night and listened to a gifted saxophonist perform a deep song.

Young Master Fu and Young Mistress Liu danced to the beat of the music as it filled the room, engrossed in the moment.

They were seated close to one another at the bar when the club filled up later in the evening.

They raised a glass to their relationship and the accomplishments of the foundation after Young Master Fu had bought drinks for them both.

Young Master Fu couldn't help but feel a rising sense of attachment for Young Mistress Liu as they conversed and laughed.

He found himself yearning to be closer to her in every manner because of his admiration for her generosity, strength, and brilliance.

He didn't want to risk losing their friendship by making it difficult or uncomfortable for them, but he also understood how important their connection was and how they had created something wonderful together.

They bid each other farewell as the evening came to an end and left for their homes.

Young Master Fu, though, couldn't get rid of the impression that something had changed between them.

Young Mistress Liu was all he could think about, and he was aware that he needed to find a method to express his feelings to her.

He asked her to lunch at a modest restaurant close to the foundation's headquarters the next day.

When they conversed and sipped coffee outside in the bright sun, Young Master Fu suddenly took a big breath and expressed his feelings to her.

Young Mistress Liu grinned and grasped his hand, much to his comfort and happiness.

I've been experiencing the same things, she said.

I was simply too afraid to speak.

They realised that their relationship had grown into something more at that point.

They knew they were destined to be together as they went in for a kiss and felt the warmth and lightning of their connection.