(Akira is still trying to cast a spell)

(grunt, grunt)


"What is this?"

"Why can't I cast a spell?"

"What is happening?"

(As the demon swings it's sword Ariel stopped it with his bow engulfed with flames.)


"You idiot !"

"Why'd you jump in like that?"

"You almost got yourself killed."


"Thank you for saving me."

"I just want to save this Little girl"


"I know."

"But why would you jump in like that?"

"You can just cast a spell from that distance targeting the demon and you can still save the girl."


"Well I panicked."

"I'm so sorry"


"It's ok now,"

"Take the girl"

"Hide somewhere else safe."



-As Akira run away, Ariel fought with the demon, killing it with his bare hands not even using his bow. Other demons saw Ariel Killing one of their kind, they run straight towards him. Ariel shot two demons running his way with the bow. With two Blazing arrows Ariel Instantly killed another two of the demons. two demons are left, but as close as they were, Ariel jumped backwards getting distance from the other two demons while shooting them again with the blazing arrows.-

- [Akira]


"That's awesome."

-But the two demons were still alive. Ariel Seeing them that they are much stronger that the other three, he thinks they have a fire resistance. Ariel then used His light magic. He summoned a sword of light, Charging into the two remaining demons he cut their heads off in one slash with his sword.-

(Akira saw What Ariel did)


"What was that?"

"Is that a sword?"

"where did it came From?"

-The demons were killed, Ariel Used Water magic to put out the fire stopping the houses from burning. The villagers who are hiding came out and Thanked Ariel.-

-Ariel told the villagers that the demons are all dead, He told them to tend to the wounded.-

(As the Disturbance was finished Akira while holding the little girl run to Ariel.)


"Hey, Ariel What was that?"

"Where did you get that sword?"

"And you can even use water element too."


"You see kid,"

"you're not the only one who can use multiple elements."

"Ha ha Ha"

"Now Bring that child to her mother."

"There she is waiting."

(Akira then walk to the little girls mother)


"Thank you very much."

"For saving My daughter."

[Little Girl]

"Thank you Big brother"


"You're welcome"

"I did not do much though"

(smiling face)

-As the situation calmed down and all was back to normal. The villagers only have to do is to repair their houses and take care of the wounded ones.-


"Come on kid,"

"Let's go home for now."


"Wait I thought you'll teach me how to hunt."


"It's ok. You don't need to rush,"

"You got a wonderful lesson here to you know."


"What are you talking about?"


"Fear kid ."


"You experienced it Firsthand."

"And that is what I can not teach you,"

"But now you know about fear,"

"And you knew what you we're not able to do during that time."

"Let me ask you a question."

"What did you feel that time when you were about to get killed by that demon?"



"I thought I can't concentrate,"

"I'm to scared to even concentrate."


"Then that is it"

"That is the reason I said I won't teach you about magic."

"You see, magic is dangerous, It can kill a wild animal, it can kill a demon and it can kill a person."

"But if you manage your fear, you will know what you lack."

"And you can practice on that.

"Show me kid,"

"Show me that you can still think straight even in the most dangerous situation."

"That you can still cast your spells calmly what ever is happening around you."

"After that I will Teach you everything you want to know about magic"



"Yes, I Understand,"

"I will Try my best."

(feeling motivated)


"Yosh. then let's go home for now."

"I have to report this to father."

-Arrived at the village entrance, Akira asked Ariel-


"Hey, Ariel!"

"Am I feeling it, or does this gate feel a little weird?"


"Oh so you noticed now huh?"

"That was a barrier."

"A magic barrier that conceals the village from wild animals, monsters and even humans."

"Your regular person can not see this village you know!"



"So I'm special huh?"



"Probably so"

"You told me you're from another world right ?"

"Then that explains it all."

"You can use magic,"

"You can see this village,"

"You even had the Village Chief tell me to train you."


"So is it a big deal if the Chief told you to train me ?"


"Well yeah"

"That old man knows I do not take apprentice,"

"And he still asked me to train you."

"By the way, That old man is also my master."

"And that magic barrier, Elen made that."



(What's With this Family)

(they're overpowered)

"Hey Ariel,"

"I thought everyone here can use magic,"

"Why didn't that other village defend themselves if they can use magic?"


"Oh so you heard that."

"Who told you that?"


"The Village Chief."


"Ahh, By everyone."

"He meant everyone here in the village."

"That other village was just another normal village"

"They're different from us here."

"The people here on the village are special"

"that's why we are hiding."


"What do you mean by hiding?"

"I thought you were just protecting yourselves from monsters and demons?"


"Do you want to hear the whole story?"


"Yes, Of course, I want to."

"I really want to know what happened."

(This guy, as the Chief told me, he was supposed to be the Grand Magus of this kingdom.)

(I Really want to know what happened to him.)


"When we get back home,"

"I'll tell you everything."

(The two of them kept walking until they arrived at the Village Chief's House.)