Freya Enjoying Her Life

In the Magnum Empire, the systems under their reign counted almost up to 50 billion, deserving to be called the bigshot amongst the bigshots in the Galiean Universe. In this vast territory of systems, there are famous vacation and tourist planets to visit...

And Freya is in one today. The planet she was on was a famous vacation world under her (new)father's name and administration, Valeria Planet. Freya visited this planet using the family's name, which means she was a five-star VIP customer and was served with five-star VIP benefits. Hooray for a rich and powerful father! \(>, <)/

'Ah~ This is life.' Freya thought as she sipped on the planet's specialty drink, only served to those whose status is important.

As she was a black-hearted company slave before she transmigrated here, Freya hasn't been granted a vacation after working in the company for almost five years of her service. The unjust life she had lived!

And so, the very first thing that she did after overcoming her emotional outburst(if she has any of that) was to search for a famous vacation planet to soothe her injured heart and soul, thus the current situation of just chilling while looking at the beautiful sea exclusively for her sight.

Freya remembered the handsome middle-aged man that is her father now and sighed. Such a powerful Marquess, but he still can't escape the curse of paperwork that needed to be dealt with.

At the thought of paperwork, Freya rejoiced that she was the third child in the family who only needed to idle, unlike the other two big brothers of the family who needed to deal with the territory management and security.

'The best thing is that I'm an omega. A weak, delicate, and pretty sister that only needs to be pampered rather than overworked!' Freya cheered, she was not that averse to her identity as an omega after knowing that her treatment is too good!

'Who wants to be an Alpha? Needed to learn so many things since young and fight with others, I rather like being an omega like this, relaxing and spending money that I didn't earn at all.'

Freya lay comfortably on the advanced massager chair that massaged her body, making her soft as tofu. Unable to get up at will.

'I don't want to get up. I want to stay like this from now on.' Freya thought and was about to close her eyes to rest when the netwatch on her wrist rang and brightly gleamed.

Freya tapped on her netwatch and a holographic screen appeared before her.

'A call from father?' Freya perplexedly accepted the call. This busy father of hers, wasn't he supposed to be looking at the papers rather than calling her at this time?

After connecting the call for two seconds, the visage of a handsome middle-aged man appeared on the screen. Gifted with lustrous blue hair and piercing pink eyes paired with a dignified air was her father, Marquess Christ Holsworth.

"Father, why have you called?" Shouldn't you be having a face-to-face endeavor with your papers?

"Have you forgotten, dear child?" Christ sighed and Freya narrowed her eyes in question.

'Forgot what? I don't know!' I haven't reviewed the original memories yet! I'm still in the state of enjoying life!

Seeing his daughter's pondering look, the marquess sighed once again and in a comforting voice, said:

"Freya, I know that you don't like going home for your birthday since that accident, but you're turning 20 tomorrow. It is the most important day for omegas like you. You need to come home today and take the mating test, alright?" The man gently coaxed while raising his hand.

Freya intently stared at the golden credit card in her father's hand and felt that everything was going to be ok.

"Fine, I'm coming home." For the sake of empire credits, I will agree to stop my vacation!

The man softly smiled in approval and after a few words of caution and care, the call hung. After spacing out for a few seconds, Freya narrowed her eyes in puzzlement.

'Wait, wasn't this scene too rehearsed? Like the Marquess already know what to do to coax his daughter home? I should really review the original's memory.' Freya vowed as she hit the conspicuous red button in the massager's hand chair.

A server then appeared at her side, with a handsome look and striking hair color of green. 'Well, the hair colors here are weird but with the people's above-average beauty, they can carry the look!'

"My lady, is there something I can do for you?" The server bowed his head as he ask.

'...My aesthetics has improved ever since I got here. Left and right, all I can see are handsome and beautiful fellows. Even my body is too beautiful.'

"My lady?" The server softly called out after hearing no reply.

"Tell the resort manager to come, say that Freya Holsworth has called for him." The server flinched at her words but respectfully bowed his head as he departed from the room.

Freya fixed her posture to a more comfortable one as she closed her eyes and reviewed the memories left alone in the corner of her mind.

'So the accident they were addressing is the pheromone overload in the past? Because of that, I cannot release any pheromones and attract alphas. And I also became a laughing stock for the empire nobility. Because not releasing pheromones means not getting a mate?'

'And when omegas turned 20, they need to gather at the Empire's capital to take a mating test. The mating machine will take some pheromones and match them with the Alphas until they got a satisfactory highest percentage. It is to preserve and continue a superior bloodline that can produce an alpha with S+ mental power.'

That means, I won't be getting an Alpha and will remain single all my life which is... A good thing!

I can't wait to stay single and be a rich omega lady! Freya daydreamed about a beautiful future ahead.

"Forgive me for being slow, Lady Holsworth. Your spacecraft is ready." The manager of the resort appeared and bowed to her.

Freya turned off the massager chair and smiled at the manager.

"No worries, lead me to my spacecraft." Goodbye my holiday, but don't worry! After that omega test, I will come back! Freya internally cheered herself.

Freya appreciated the sight of pure nature and advanced technology combined as she walked outside the resort. To think that everything is changed to the point of humans combining their genes with animals and then developing to this stage of technology.

Everything here is so convenient! That is what Freya really liked to say and the words up above are just useless fillers.

After being escorted into her spacecraft, Freya called her spacecraft's A.I to set her destination to the Marquess's home planet, Holsworth. And while she was at it, she rummaged through the fragmented memories again.

'Ahh! I found it! So the accident happened on Freya's 10th birthday and she felt that celebrating her birthday is humiliating her in the guise and so, she opt to go on vacations in which she is alone when her birthday is around the corner. The marquess developed a strategy in which he tempts his depressed but money-loving daughter with a golden credit card. It succeeded a few times in a row, Freya is, after all, a money-grubber!'

This is so convenient! Her personality is the same as mine!


Holsworth. A knightage family holding a Marquess title that Beta Emperor Lucious the V had personally given them. The Magnum Empire spans billions of light-years and is made up of billions of systems, and the Holsworth governs 1/4 of the whole territory per His Majesty's order and holds over millions of military fleets and spacecraft.

The renowned name of the Holsworth in the Magnum Empire and other neighboring regimes and states is both respected and feared, for they safeguarded the Magnum empire from the far NorthEast Systems infected with Zerg plagues and abyss monsters for 27 generations.

They are a huge hegemony in systems near the North and East and hold over 55% of the goods in that part.

But why aren't they weakened by the Royal Family? Someone may ask;

The answer is that the Holsworth Household vowed to never betray the empire and wrote an unwavering loyalty pledge. Upon turning their backs on the empire and its citizens, the Holsworth pledge will activate and will annihilate anyone with a Holsworth's blood flowing through them. And so, the Royal Family never asked for more as they have the unwavering loyalty pledge in their hands.

The current patriarch of the Holsworth family, Alpha Chris Holsworth, retired from the frontlines in the NorthEast systems after his eldest alpha son, Harry Holsworth inherited his position as the Chief General of the NorthEast Main Fleet.

The second alpha son, Floyd Holsworth is in charge of the security management of their territory.

Crowned as one of the five flowers of the empire, the top superstar of the Magnum Empire's high nobility, and the Marchioness of the Holsworth, Frey Dreas is in charge of business and economic management.

With a powerful and authoritative head, a famous superstar as the lady of the house, and a bright future ahead of their two heirs, the Holsworth household is perfect in the eyes of the citizens except for one thing. Ten years ago, the precious omega daughter of the Holsworth household had an accident in which she can't release pheromones anymore, staining the name and obligation of Omegas.

Those who are green-eyed, spiteful, and loathed the Holsworth all pointed their venomous tongues at the youngest child, ridiculing her as a defective omega. And because of this, Freya despised her birthday, as that date signifies that she became a defect, a stain on the name of the perfect and illustrious Holsworth she was so proud of.

After Freya reviewed the memories up to this, Freya's first thought is, 'This family is so damn overpowered!'

The second thought is, 'Freya is kind of stupid, just because of rumors and taunts, she became depressed enough for me to take over her body. You have a loving family! You're rich! You have great backing and status! Why did you let those idiots insult you to death?!'

Freya sighed in pity. Maybe because the original Freya is cherished and pampered, upon facing insults, her proud but fragile heart collapsed and can no longer hold on.

'Don't worry original Freya, I'll make sure to live your life to the pinnacle! You and I will become the most famous single and rich omega! I won't take any insults from those who were lower than me! So rest in peace!' Freya announced in her thoughts.

"Lady Freya, we've arrived at the Holsworth Planet." the A.I of the spacecraft appeared and bowed to Freya, announcing their arrival at their home planet.

Freya glanced at the planet outside and exclaimed in surprise. 'From the memories, it was already impressive. But to see it myself is always much better!'

The planet was mainly in the color of green, blue, and metallic grey. Spacecrafts were docking on spaceports or flying away from the planet, a scene that can only be seen in Sci-fi movies.

While other spacecraft have to be stopped by space security for inspections, Freya's spacecraft freely docked to the spaceport, just because there was a Marquess insignia on her craft. 'Well, this is my home planet~' ~(^, ^)~

When Freya left her spacecraft, a handsome man with orange hair and green eyes smiled at her.

'This man looks very familiar...Looks like me.'

"Dear sister, you've arrived safely." The man softly said and Freya finally noticed the military suit the man is wearing.

'Someone who calls me sister and guarding the home planet. This one can only be my second brother, Floyd Holsworth.'

Freya gently smiled at this second brother and spoke in a sweet voice.

"It's been weeks since we last met, second brother."

"Indeed, it's been exactly three weeks since we last met. But my sister only glowed more and more." Floyd continued to smile.

"You're just flattering me to lighten up my mood." Freya replied in a manner the original would say.

"So, did your mood lightened up?"

"A little." My mood can't be any better! With a tall handsome brother coaxing me with a smile and husky voice, who wouldn't feel better? It is even better if you're not my brother, but alas~ you are. Freya sighed internally. What a fine specimen this big brother is! And there's a big eldest brother too! Both are beautiful! A feast to one's eyes!

"Second brother, are you going to escort me home?"

"Unfortunately, I can't. But Humprey will, so you don't worry." Floyd said as he cued the man behind him.

Freya stared at the man and can't help but internally exclaim over the above-average looks of the people here again. A handsome man appeared!

"Lady Freya, I will escort you home." The man solemnly vowed and Freya nodded her head, she turned to Floyd and spoke.

"Second brother, are father and mother home?" If father wasn't there, who would give her the golden credit card?!

"Mother is still busy and was traveling to the Collins Territory but father is cooped up inside his study, you can directly find him there." Floyd smiled, knowing that this younger sister of his wants to claim her prize for obediently going home.

"Thank you, second brother." Freya didn't let the chance slip and kissed her second brother's cheeks. 'Damn! It was freaking smooth!'

"I'll be going now." Freya smiled and left with the escort, Floyd quietly watched her silhouette and after seeing her gone, he gritted his teeth.

'My beloved sister looks so down. If only that didn't happen.' If not because of that damn accident, the third and precious child of their Holsworth family won't be ridiculed like that.

'Those idiots, I'll find them no matter what.' Floyd vowed once again in his heart.