Not Special

Alyssa Pov

"Ah, where are you going?" Andrew asked with confusion.

"To work, I have to walk as we can't let anyone know that you know me or something. Also, I don't have a car." I answered his unasked questions too.

"Come, you're going with me." Without even giving me a chance to say something he sat in the car.

Odd, but he was driving the car himself not asking some driver to drive it.

I was about to take a seat at the backside but his one look and I knew he wanted me to sit beside him.

After settling down in the front seat, I looked out of the window without a word. 

Phew, he can be scary sometimes.

Who knew I would be in a car with my felt odd to say that. I never thought I would marry someone because of money, sounded like a gold digger thingy, but didn't I marry him because of his wealth?

'Don't be stupid, you needed the cash because of your mother.' Maybe my conscience was right. 

"Uh, what about the amount you have to give me?" I asked the man who was gazing ahead.

"Have deposit half of the payment, another half will be sent soon." He told me in a robotic voice. What's with his mood swings?

"Is it his time of the month," I muttered but unfortunately he heard it as he glared at me.

"You saying something?" His voice was surely threatening.


'What is happening to you, idiot!'


I reached the giant building but I was looking so out of the place. The place and people all appeared rich and I think I wasn't fitting here nevertheless I walked inside.

"Umm...Can you tell me on which floor the CEO's office is?" 

"What your name will be, miss?" He asked back politely.


"Uh, Alyssa James Dalton? Right?" He said on which I nodded. He smiled and led me the way.

After meeting the secretary whose name was Emma? Maybe. She took me to the office which belongs to the Ceo. 


Okay, I was already tired. The boss of mine had given me eleven files to cheek in half-hour. Joke, as it seemed but it was true. I mean sure I asked him to not give me any special treatment but I was a new employee, he could have gone easy on me.

'How can I work this much?'

"Give this file to the head of the marketing department." I walked out not saying a word to him thinking that I would ask for help from the secretary but I couldn't find Emma who could assist me. While others were too into their work to tell me anything.

'This is bad, what should I do?


Should I close my eyes and just walk to anyone. I had found out on which floor the marketing head's office was but now there were two ways, left or right.

'Which way should I go to?'

Between my confusion, I forgot that I was standing in the middle of the corridor.

I was about to move ahead when someone ran into me and knowing I was about to fall I closed my eyes.

'Great, I'm gonna fall on the ground and will injure myself on the first day.'

It's all because of that jerk, pervert, idiot boss of mine. Insulting my boss as much as in my mind that I never felt the pain or anything. 

Furrowing my brows, I slowly peeked out from one eye to see a guy's face.

The hands of mine that were placed on my eyes, I removed them from my face and opened my eyes to find myself looking at the male who was staring back at me with a small smile.

I tried to stand up but lost my balance again resulting in being caught by him again. My hands flew to hold his shirt tightly as he kept one hand on my back and saved my ass again.

"Careful there, pretty lady." He smiled and helped me up but my facial expression was changed into a serious one when I saw Andrew staring at me angrily.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you. I should get going." I bowed him a little and with a bye, he was gone.

Gulping hard I saw the male who dragged me the whole way to his office. 

'Thud, the door was closed and locked. Amazing, I'm done for. But what do I did wrong?'

'He's the one who is at fault.' I could only say all this in my mind because saying this out loud would make the angry man burst at me more. 

"I send you to give this file not to roam around flirting with men." Angry, he sat on the chair behind the table. 

"I w-wasn't flirting!" Why was I stuttering, it was embarrassing me?

"Oh really, then what was happening there?" I told him everything truly but what he said was idiotic.

"I should fire him then because it was his fault that all this happened."

"No! I mean it wasn't his mistake." This all was making me crazy. Why were we even talking about this small thing?

"Then was it your fault?" I was scared. Very bad thing because I kept stuttering.

"N-no!" How could I make him understand all this? Why was he all worked up on this?

A knock made him ask me,

"Open the door." Nodding I went to do so. Maybe he was finally letting me go. Emma entered the room and I tried to exit.

"Where are you going? I'm not done talking to you."

'Bad luck, Alyssa.' Slowly, biting my lips, I moved away from the door.

"Please give the file to her fastly, so much time has been already wasted," Andrew said to the secretary and after locking the door, I was once again standing in front of the table. 

"So? Who's at fault?" He asked calmly.

"You, because everything happened because of you. If only you would have asked someone to tell me the way. I don't even know anything about this place. You didn't ask anyone to give me a tour!" It was good to let it all out after mustering up as much courage as I could.

"You didn't have a tour with Ms. Emma?" I shook my head in no and he sighed.


What was going on in his mind? He walked near me and then kept his hands on either side of mine, above my hands. He was caging me between him and the table.

"What if I just lose my balance and kiss you? It won't be anyone's fault, hmm?" My eyes widened.

'He didn't kiss me at the wedding then why will he do that now?'

"Just let me go already! Why are you making such a big fuss about such an accident?" I tried to move but wasn't able to do so.

"But you broke the rules..." I bend backward as he moved forward. His face was dangerously close to mine.

"Shouldn't you get punished?" He whispered. What is going on huh? A scene from a movie or something. 

" won't happen again. Stop acting all bossy. And pervert!" I said as he patted my hip and then with a smirk went back to his chair.

"You have to do all this, today." Bigger than me, maybe I was being a little exaggerated but still, a pile of so many files was kept in front of me.

Was he serious?

"Yeah, I'm." 

Did I say that out loud?

"You did." I wanna beat myself for thinking out loud.

"Do I really have to do this today?" A nod was all I got.

"Fuck you, bossy, arrogant man!" I just have to curse because of him. I Couldn't stop myself.

"What!?" He shouted from behind but I was already outta his room.

Today was my first and worst day here. I was excited about the coming days, note the sarcasm.