First Dungeon 3

(A/N: Yesterday I had one of my worst hangovers till now, and it made my migraine act out so for now, I'm struggling to even think straight.

Sorry if this chap is not good.)


*Nene pov*

While I was going through the clan's archives on gods and anything even remotely related so I can help my adorable baby boy, his maid, Ao I think, came rushing to me, with a look of distress.

That immediately put me on edge.

Did something happen to Kotaro?

Is he alright?

Please tell me nothing is wrong with my son, I can't take another hit like that.


*Kentaro pov*

My wife is going through everything we have in the clan for our child and I'm doing the same, albeit a little different.

I was giving new orders to all of the clan's spies, to look for everything related to gods inheritance tests around the world and report it to me as fast as possible.

Anything that could be useful for my son's journey to come, making sure our clan's future is as bright as the sun.

But then one of his personal maids came to my study, without even asking for permission.

At first, I wanted to send her to the death pit to learn some manners, but her expression...

Did something happen to Kotaro?

*Kotaro Pov*

Do you know what could make my relaxation session on The moon way better?


And guess what? I found a BGM setting in the Game menu, with my past life playlists already there.

I think Alicia is trying to make me fall in love.

While looking at my favorite songs I found something that fitted the theme perfectly.

"Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra, is one of my many favorites of him."

I just pushed the play button and sang along with the song, reliving my past joys.

"Fly Me to the moon

Let me pla~y, among the stars

And let me see what spring is like

On Jupiter and Mars

In other wo~rds, ho~ld my hand

In other wo~rds, baby kiss me

Fill my heart with song

Let me sing forevermore

You're all I long for

All I worship, and adore

In other words, please be true~~

In other words, I love you~~"


I sighed, feeling really refreshed.

How good it is to just relax, sing a song and...

And remember you, my love...

Well, not like I can't see you again, it's just I need to become stronger to do so...

To never lose you again.

I stood up, changed the song to Astronaut In The Ocean, and went to work.

What? I can listen to classic and rap while also enjoying rock and roll, who can judge me?

I went for The sacred gear around my neck, held it in my fist (even though I didn't need to), and used it again, but this time I choose to go in the dungeon mode.

The only things that happened were a change applied to The Sun's color, and a jungle growing around me.

An alien jungle to be precise.

All around me was filled with thick, tall, glowing trees, coupled with gray grass covering the land.

And The change in The sun wasn't that strange really, it changed color to a dark purple.

I mean I do remember something similar happening to The original gamer but whatever, not like I will be affected anyway.

The only dungeon open for me at the moment was the ten to hundred years old spirit beasts dungeon, but that is no challenge to me at all if I'm being honest.

Good for now because my goals at the moment don't include testing my limits, but leveling up.

I started to use my sacred gear and create a beast to fight against, but,

[Killing your own summoned/created creatures will not yield you any rewards master.

This is a loophole long closed when a summoner tried to power level by killing his summons.

And the monsters in Dungeons cant be tamed unless you have a skill/perk related to taming.]

Oh, fuck me.

I was going to power level the same way damn it.

But it's not like all is lost.

Firstly it didn't say I CAN'T have my summons to fight instead, just that killing them is useless.

Secondly, my concern of not going to Star dou forest is somewhat null here because I can choose the difficulty of my Dungeons, so no one million years old spirit beasts after me.

Lastly, this could be a good thing.

While I already have a super OP skill called Eight Gates, it never hurts to have more skills in my arsenal.

And what better way for inspiration than a combat situation (more like a slaughter situation).

For starters, let me use my new perk and use a few hundred flies to scout the place for any beasts.

Even if the power gap between us is way too much, I don't want to be surprised by an ambush, do I?

I called upon my power as The lord of flies and started to scout around.

Now that I think about it, this is the first time that I have used my MP on something besides Observe, and it doesn't take much of my MP too.

Hah, neat.

My flies are telling me every beast in the fifty meters radius of me is coming this way.

I guess the drawbacks are working in my favor, for now.

A couple of seconds later I saw my first spirit beast ever, and that was some kind of horse.

That had flames instead of mane.

It looked cool, to be honest, but that was only true until I noticed something.

This motherfucker is hard!!

Without any further thinking, I opened The Gate of Opening and rushed to The damn things rear.

I gripped one of the tree branches near to me while still moving, that was at least as thick as an arm, broke it, and shoved it up in its ass.

The notification afterward told me the fucker has died.

Ha, asshole, should have made it more painful.


I went and give the branch in its ass a strong kick just to steam off.

Is it going to be this god damn annoying every time I see a beast for fucks sake?!

While I was torturing the now dead horse several other beasts of various shapes gathered around me while looking between me and the ass of the horse.

Well, I better reign in on my annoyance and do what I have come for.

I took my stance (my Inner Gates already returned to a normal state) and leaped for the closest beast, which is some kind of tiger.

An interesting bit about the skills and memories I inherited from Kotaro is that all those years of using a clawed gauntlet made his style focused mostly on ripping and slashing, like a beast.

I gripped at the back of its neck, positioned myself right above its back, and used my other hand to cut its throat.

Unfortunately, it seems like his memories and instincts influenced my thinking and I forgot that I don't have any weapons so instead my attack tore its windpipe out.

Well, that wasn't how I wanted it to go, but now I know something at least.

If I want to use the fighting style in my head to the fullest I need claws.

This same mistake if done in a real fight could have cost me my life, but that's one of the reasons I'm doing this, isn't it? To find what I can improve upon and do so.

Good thing I still have a few dozen or so beasts to get inspiration on.

"Skill creation: Lightning Claw."

[Lightning Claw

Rank: Expert

A Ninjutsu that covers the user's hand in a claw-shaped lightning gauntlet, inspired by the lightning cloak of hidden cloud village.

Adds +50% Lightning damage to physical attacks

Adds +25% chance of [Stun] status effect

Adds +25% chance of [Paralyze] status effect

Increase attack speed by 75%]

Now that's a good skill right there.

I activated my new skill, noticing it took far more MP than controlling flies.

My hands were engulfed in blue lightning, with sharp-pointed ends on my fingers.

I think I can recreate The Lightning Cloak itself, but I don't need it for now.

Might do so after finding out what my spirit is and if they are compatible.

For now, I just nodded a sharp point on my nails to take full advantage of My (A/N: I'm going to call the original Kotaro as me/my/I, etc from now on just to make it less confusing) fighting style.

Well, better to put these babies to test now, shall we?

I dashed, this time in the direction of an orange goat, which according to Observe is called acid breath goat, and went under its front hoofs to slash at the weird goat's gut.

When my hands touched the orange fur of it there was an awful smell, coming from the burnt flesh and fur, while the animal just started to scream and thrash around, then fell motionless.

Seems like these bad boys are as good as they look.

A wide, sadistic smirk formed on my face when I noticed the goat was still alive.

Oh, how I'm gonna love torturing people with these beautiful blue babies.








Well, now you saw a little bit of his sadistic side.

Your ideas and suggestions are welcome and if I find it compatible I would surely use it.

Have fun and don't forget to drop rating and stones!!!

Your AWESOME author, peace out😉👍