Kpriv's Battle 3

[[Sir, the treatment drones had arrived.]] (A/N =>A commercial drone carrying medicine for the Knight. These are serums that could save a life with just a single injection.)

"Release the meds. Many people can still save with it." He used his movement skills, disappearing from the location. When he appeared again, there was a sophisticated sniper gun in hand. He kicked a truck that was half turned. Bang! The truck went back to its four legs, sending dust everywhere. 

"When will the assassin UAV arrive?" He climbed the truck and lay on top of a truck.

[[One minute.]]

"When it arrives, begin the assault."

[[Ok sir.]]

Emma pressed a button on his button. "All knights, listen. Attack the beast on the head or neck. Snipers, you only need two-shot to take them down. Assist your brother. Reinforcement is coming. Hold on. We will defeat these damn mother-fucking beasts. The victory was assured."