The fourth Important part of Rune.

>>Ops! This your AI ego is even ahead of you.

Emma nodded. 'I agree with you.'

>>Of course, you will agree with me. But what about that little girl?

'Forget about her Lily. She needs to learn. And please I need to learn also.'

>>Then tell me what you are planning with her. Don't tell me you're going to discard her just like that.

'No, I'm not discarding her. Currently, I'm busy with such a matter. When this is over, I'll talk with her.'

>> Hmm, ok. But don't let it be for long. Moreover, why can't you just send a message to her…

'Lily, what's your problem with Amanda?' Emma didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Lilly was his system, but she never showed any concern like this to him. Rather, he was almost tortured till death.

>>Nothing, I just like her behavior. Can't I like a girl again? Tsk! Just do what I ask you to do.

'Fine, fine.' He was already having headaches with Lily's nagging.