Lola 2

Emma squinted his brow, and thought for a couple of seconds. He had already considered this, but he another project in mind that why he wanted to handle the satellite creation to others. But with Zeus upgrade. It changes everything. 'I only need some of the body part.  I can handle the rest. I will only deal with the core part while work on my other project.'

"Zeus, prepare a department for satellite creation. We are creating ours by ourselves." He pursed his lips and looked at ceiling, tapping his foot gently. 

"Get Lola for me"



After a couple of seconds, a seductive voice came from the speaker. "Mr. Manny. You long forgotten your dearest friend. This sadden my heart." Without seeing Lola, her charming voice was enough for any man to lounge for her.

Emma gave a short laugh. "Friend, sorry for not calling you sooner.  Will you forgive this friend of your friends? Hmm?"