Duel 3

Hearing Tiger response, the four PAR widened their eyes. Are you for real! Can't you see this is no fight but pummeling. Can't they just return to the HQ and bring the big guys. Gordons wanted to shout. But he controlled himself. However, Tiger thought otherwise. How would the enemy allow them to return when they had already knew their secret. 

It either they die trying or fight and escape. But retreating was not an option any longer.


Without further ado, a lady in her early thirties step out from the Vulture knights. She had the average beauty you could find on the street. She looked at PAR, waiting for her opponent. Her face devoid any emotion, making everything look distant to her. Meanwhile, on the PAR side. Among the remaining four. They looked at each other, no one wanted to go out. However, they knew one of them had to come out.