Ice, Fire, and Mochis

Chapter 19

Sentomaru: Hmmph!! Sweet Commander of the Big Mom Pirates? I don't care, I have the best defen—*squash* *arrghh!!!*

Katakuri: Shut up

The man who apparently had the best defense in the Marines was squashed by an unspeakable amount of Mochi from above. As slow as he was compared to big brother, it didn't seem like he was going to wake up again anytime soon.

From behind the bay area, I saw Smoothie sis's fleet approaching as they started bombarding the Marine Ships still stuck in the Ice. On the head of her flagship was Smoothie herself...looking very big from absorbing the juices of at least 5 poor fools at least.

Me: Impel Down escapees! One of you has the ability to create keys!!! I need that now!

As if on cue, the wax man appeared in front of me and created a key for Ace by shoving as much wax as he can up the sea stone cuffs before he collapsed. I simply grabbed his arm which was still connected to the cuffs and twisted it.

Wax Guy: OWW!!

I might have felt just a little sorry but the job was done. As the shackles finally came off...Ace was free.

Ace: ...jeez! Syrup, You've always been this way...and always overdoing it!!!

As he finished speaking, an inferno exploded from his towards the Marines as finally, he was freed from his chains.


Whitebeard: What we came here to do is done...! RETREAT! EVERYONE RETREAT!!!

Sengoku: Damn...! Everything was ruined by that damn girl!

Kizaru: How Sccarrryy the yoounngg oneness are...

With no Akainu, we would be able to escape without Ace getting triggered and putting all of our work to waste. Whitebeard himself was slowly moving back, protected by his commanders. It looks like the Admirals or the Marines' haven't been able to get a good hit in. The surgery as well as not getting stabbed in the back by Squard did the work.

Of course...there was still just one extra part of the story which remained. I desperately hoped Ace wouldn't take it...but as I expected, the war isn't always going my way.

?: Zehahahaha!!! Look at how this all turned out!!!


Doflamingo: Fufufufu!!! This really is the best!!! Things are really getting awesome now...!!!

Newgate: Son of a bitch...!

Hold up boomer, Teach used to be your son as well. You're not referring to yourself as bitch right? Not a good choice of insults Whitebeard.

Teach: Zehahaha!!! I'm glad I made it back in time! Though you look a lot better than I expected Zehahahaha!! I'll make sure you are dead by the time I'm through with you!!!

Newgate: TEACH...!!!!

A truly fearsome Quake Blow from Whitebeard exploded the area where the Blackbeard pirates were standing. His whole demeanor was filled with rage...rage which can only be filled when he loses his sons.

Teach: Guuh!!! He's not holding back at all!

Newgate: You are the only scum I would never call my son! You broke the one and only ironclad rule on my ship!!! You killed you Nakama!

Whitebeard charged directly at Blackbeard, when he was right in front of him, Whitebeard's signature white orb appeared around his hands...but I already knew what was going to happen.

Me: Brother Katakuri, sis Smoothie. Cover me please. *Soru*

I near instantly appeared behind Blackbeard as two of his Titanic Commanders were knocked out via a Juice Beam and a Jelly Beam.

Me: I should have killed you then...but now is fine as well.

Just as Whitebeard's fist made contact with Blackbeard's ability, I knocked him down from behind. Right in time, Whitebeard's bisento cut into Blackbeard's shoulders. I immediately followed up by sinking my blade into his back, severing his spine.

Behind me, I heard screams and yelps as sis Smoothie and Big brother Katakuri was wiping the floor with the remains of the Blackbeard Pirates. As strong as they are, much of them have been imprisoned in Impel Down for a long time, and thus weakened. Blackbeard's original crew had faced Magellan and others through and out of their way. They might have not shown it but that much would have affected anybody.

Teach: No...this is not how I end...

Newgate: You're not the man Roger is waiting for...fate is not on your side.

Teach: no...

Newgate: Not that I care myself about the treasure but someone will find the treasure one day...but it will never be you.

I decided it was time Blackbeard died. I took out the same cuffs that Ace had on, covered them in haki before slamming them down as hard as I can on Blackbeard's head. Apparently his walking-seastone like ability didn't do anything against actual seastone. For some reason, I saw Jozu clutching his head and wincing, as if he was dealing with phantom pain. I wonder why.

Sengoku: Stop him!!

Even when he's not going to die, he's still going to give that speech? I guess that golden age of Piracy is not going to end anytime soon.

Newgate: When someone finds it...the world will return to surprise. THE ONE PIECE...!!!

The world held their breath for the next words that came out of Whitebeard's mouth. The man closest to the One Piece.

Newgate: IT EXISTS!!!!

Sengoku: YOU BASTARD!!!!!

As Teach lay dead on the floor, the world was pushed into another era of Piracy. This one, for the new generation. The ones that will bring forth another Pirate King. Whitebeard stood triumphantly at the destruction of Marineford. Of course, Garp, Sengoku, Aokiji and Kizaru and many other key players were still fine. If they wished to, they could still probably gravely wound or destroy the Whitebeard Pirates but that chance was gone.


Cheers erupted from all over Marineford as Pirates turned and fled the wreckage to the bay area. Ships that have not sunk, the Moby Dick which did not have Magma rained down upon was filled to the brim with Pirates as we began retreating.

Newgate: ...I couldn't have done this without you daughter. I guess I owe you my thanks.

Me: I know

Newgate: Couldn't you at least be a little nice about it? Show some humility

Me: Not worth it.

In the distance, I saw an unconscious Luffy being carried on Jimbei's back to escape as a certain Aokiji chased after them. Determined not to let at least one of the brothers go free.

Me: ...crap! Sorry old man! I need to go! *Shambles*

A teleport ability I totally stole from Law, but I didn't care, after all, my devil fruit was better as far as I was concerned. I appeared just in time right in front of Jimbei to protect him from being skewered (or at least) from Ice Spears.

*clang* *shatter*

Me: Admiral Aokiji of the Marines. I can't allow you to hurt Ace's brother either I'm afraid...Jimbei, Knight of the Sea, please escape now...and I am sorry about Fishman Island but it was for the best.

Jimbei obviously didn't look happy about the deal that took place but he knew that was not the priority right now. In addition, Big Mom wasn't one to simply destroy the island for no reason. Mama only got mad when islands couldn't pay their tribute and Fishman Island, with their abundance of visitors (mostly pirates) was an abundance of resources. They would certainly be able to afford all of the tribute they would need to pay.

Jimbei: Humph...I give you my thanks.

With that, the Whaleshark was off to get the tired rubber man off of the island.

Aokiji: Let me ask you this question young pirate...why do you protect them? As far as we know, you have no connection to Ace, much less Straw hat Luffy.

Me: I do it because I have chosen to do so. Freedom to do what I wish to do, isn't that what being a Pirate is all about?

Aokiji: Perhaps, but you are a member of the Big Mom Pirates. Do you really have that freedom?

Me: No...which is a dilemma I face. But do not act like you are not without one either Aokiji. You yourself suffer from the injustice you witnessed from the Marines. I'll ask you myself, why do you fight for false justice? Fight under the flag the kills innocents?

Aokiji: ...I guess we have our problems and all, but whatever.

His posture changed to that of a fighting stance as he got ready to summon more Ice. In order to match this, I spread the Kitchen across the entire area encompassing both Aokiji and myself as well as some parts of the Bay Area. Fighting a man with such a wide spread ability would be troublesome...

Me: Yes, whatever. Right now, we are Marine and Pirates. We fight because we have our orders.

With that, I charged him. As I used Soru to close the distance, I saw his hands moving in the air, probably to summon more ice weapons. My predictions foresaw an Ice trap which was prepared under me…

Me: OVEN-High Heat

Learning from my brother, using the same properties as he did with his Heat devil fruit, the entire kitchen heated up as if it was in the inside of an oven. The ice under me melted before it had the chance to spring the trap.

Aokiji: Wha-

Me: *Sear*

My haki clad knife which was starting to glow red met directly with his Black Ice saber. This time, the look he gave me changed. He was looking at me as if I was a real threat. Shit...this wasn't going to go down like I did with Sakazuki.

Still, I was leagues above him if we considered swordsmanship (kenjutsu) alone. Taking out another Chef's knife, I set up points around him as I attacked.

*clang* *Clang*


Me: Each time my knife made contact, it melted him. While he was able to immediately freeze it again, I could tell it was getting harder and harder for him as the sheer heat of this kitchen was going against his favor.

Aokiji: Humph

With an attempt to change the battleground, he tried to escape but...


A light blue wall shined around the edges of my cube as Aokiji failed to jump through. His Ice shattered against it's borders. While this was a useful ability, I could only use this for a limited amount of time before I needed to let it go. It's not easy to create a Admiral proof barrier.

Me: You stay in here!

I was losing in the battle of skill alone, but I knew I was going to win in the battle of attrition. His Logia had no power here and even if his awakening would switch the entire are to snow, I would simple teleport us away to restart the fight...and he knew that.

Unfortunately, it looked like I had underestimated the admiral.

Aokiji: Interesting...but you should have expected me to have some ability against heat. After all that arguing with Sakazuki, this is nothing. Absolute Zero

Nothing really happened to the surroundings...except Aokiji changed completely. He was completely frozen solid, completely unaffected by the burning temperature around him.

Suddenly, ice trapped my feet as I tried to jump away. One look and Aokiji, his arm, so many meters away, was mimicking the ice beneath me. Looks like a form of his awakening can manipulate the ice of his surroundings as well...crap.

Me: Defrost

As the ice around me shattered and my leg was once again free, I tried to analyze how to approach this monster of a man. He wasn't looking down on me, after all heh ad already seen Sakazuki lose him arm. But then, how was I supposed to face an admiral this early in the game? I was confident that i would be able to match him in 2...just 1 year but that time wasn't now.

Katakuri: Why are you frowning Syrup? I told you to call for you when you need it, didn't I?

Me: You're going to be frozen mochi if you face him like he's not a threat.

Katakuri: Frozen mochi is also good, though nothing beats donuts.

Me: You and your donuts brother...what am I going to do with you?

Aokiji: You know? I like donuts as well. A shame since I'll have to kill you here and now for justice.

He was so quiet for a second I almost forgot that we were in a middle of a fight. My mind must have gone on autopilot for a few seconds as I was teleporting around the cube trying to find a blindspot.

Me: Ok fine brother! Help me break the ice!

2v1 it is then. It's a bit unfair, but our opponent was Aokiji. Cut us some slack.