Paradise, To the darker world

Chapter 3

POV Syrup

Blending in and turning invisible to the eye of the those in authority was the first priority. If it is discovered that I don't have a citizenship or any form of ID, or worse where I get one officially at this age, then I would have more problems than I want to deal with.

Solution? Black Market, Underworld, etc. Every world and place has a black market and in this crime saturated world, it would be easy to access as long as I kill—I mean, find the right person.

Setting that up as the main priority for the moment, I looked for a place to stay while I teleported wallets and storages into my inventory from the unsuspecting people, giving me a nice amount of cash to rely on for the moment.

While I did have an unspeakable amount of gold (worth trillions) from looting Gild Tesoro's entire island as well as other things I had collected for fun, I didn't want any of that tracing them back to me. I would make sure to make use of them later on but no was simply not the time.

Walking into an 'ok' hotel I got myself a room (without the need for IDs thankfully) before I decided to take action…but I disguised myself a bit first.

First thing I did was wear a black beanie on my head to put up all of my distinctive light pink hair out of view. A pair of contacts that would make my eyes a common shade of blue instead of this distinctive (glowing) orange. Finally, to top it off I wore a very eye catching metallic mask (lower face only) attached with matching black headphones that went over the black beanie. (Nightcore-Infected. Background image has the same mask I'm trying to describe).

Me: Well…might as well learn about my quirk as well.

The next few days I went on a rampage across Paris as I extracted all the information I could out of any foolish street thug or worse regarding the underworld before making them mysteriously 'disappear'.

Seeing no better chance than to learn and practice my quirk, I called upon something that now felt like second nature.

Bone Manipulation, Or rather Bone summoning.

Initially I thought it was a pretty lame quirk as I didn't feel my bones harden or have any special characteristics…until I found its true nature.

One day I found a street thug (who happened to be the lowest of the low) who seemed as if he was choking in my very presence. Kneeling down and holding his stomach and slowly dying (I could tell) as if he was poisoned.

Interested, I cut him up with my Devil fruit and found no trace of any poison in his system or anything that should logically hurt him…yet he was. From how his organs began to fail for no reason, his blood pressure going haywire, it was obvious it wasn't some weird mental condition that caused his body to react in such a way.

Then what could it be?

Perhaps it was my quirk or perhaps it was just my luck of studying Mama (Charlotte Linlin)'s Devil Fruit ability but instinctively I felt it. Next moment…I was holding it. The man's Soul.

It was a cute little thing. A red little heart so fragile and innocent looking all while crumbling down with the sins it had committed.

Things got better as I experimented more with this Sans power. Looking it up on the web, there was no such power or quirk called 'Sans'. Looking it up on the dictionary, the word had a one word definition-without. Without what? Obviously, this wasn't helping. Looks like I'll have to figure out on my own.

The trend continued as I spread mayhem and unintentional fear across Europe coming across a number of villains (whom I slaughtered for standing in my way) and Heroes (who I avoided in time). I began to take a bit of a risk by leaving little pieces of specific victims and began purposefully operating in a pattern.

I had long since given up on finding the Underground society myself. To much of a hassle…so by doing this, they would come find me instead. In the meantime, I can see how far this potential of my quirk can go.

Then finally, it happened.

A day when I was hunting like always and the location where I tracked them just happened to be a large warehouse, an abandoned one at that too. My senses buzzed and told me that this was a trap, which was exactly what I wanted.

Walking directly into the front door, I purposefully made my footsteps louder and pace slower as I entered the dark space.

Observation Haki… 17 people total in the warehouse and four more (suspiciously close and observant) right outside. There was no way this was not a trap made deliberately for me, especially with the spiking nerves I could feel around me.

Me: … how disappointing.

Idiot: GET HER!!

A truly idiot move considering I've already lost count of how many men of his I had already killed throughout the week and his solution to this was a front up attack? Then what was even the point of luring me into this dark room (where they think I couldn't see) and hiding in silence. They pretty much gave away their element of surprise…not that they had it anyway.

Me: I thought this was some decent underworld organization with some brains.

I muttered as I slightly tilted my head and dodging a thrown knife…only to catch it behind my head and throw it directly back. A sickening cut off scream and a thud confirmed that my throw hit.

Me: Instead I get stuck with no brain thugs after weeks of trying to attract the attention of someone influential.

Grabbing another nameless thug by the collar, I threw a shigan directly into his forehead where my finger sank directly through his brain before I pulled it out. The guy was dead before he fell to the ground.

Cries of rage and screams of terror sounded around me as I sensed the four outside rushing in. No big difference really.

A beam of light, albeit a weak one, narrowly missed me as I sidestepped. It hit the wall behind me where it didn't even scratch much less scorch the cement. Looking at the guy who shot it from his chest like Ironman, I had to laugh because it was so ridiculous.

Me: *chuckle* What was that, a flashlight attack?

Fight fire with magma I guess. This was a good chance to try out something new as well. I drew upon my bone manipulation as I summoned something new…but felt so natural. Something that shouldn't be allowed but it simply did.

A ghastly skull larger than a meter in size appeared next to me, floating, as it mouth began to open revealing something like a cannon.

Me: Listen here, if you want to fire off a beam, it should at least be capable of causing some damage.

I remembered sis Smoothie's 'Full Extract Beam' which was probably one of the closest attacks that ever came to killing me. Obviously, even with mimic I wouldn't be able to copy that since I didn't have her devil fruit but I could do something that came to me like second nature now.


The Gaster Blast on it's own would be weak. Too weak. Condensing it's energy into a smaller form before letting out something more dangerous. Not the white bone material but radioactive heat rays or wavelengths devastating to humans in particular.

Why not all of them?

Covering them all in a majestic white light, I created my new attack as I fired it off in an arc.

Me: Épée de lumière (Sword of Light)

Sweeping the light across the entire warehouse, for a moment the world was nothing but white. Less than a second later, the darkness returned as bodies dropped to the floor. Best part? Nothing else was harmed or damaged at all. Not the walls, not the awkwardly placed cargo, or even the floor. It perfectly targeted organic life and organic components only.

Searching through with observation (as it was habit), I was amused to find a survivor. Not doing well exactly but anyone who was able to endure that attack, especially here in this quirky world, would have just a tiny teeny bit of my respect.

Walking up to the man, I found that he was the image of an old Italian Mafia gangster. Dressed top to bottom in a black and grey pinstriped suit with a top hat. His still burning cigar next to him on the floor as well as his handgun which must have fell out of his hand or pocket. As for him himself? He didn't look great for a white man looking burnt like an over cooked toast.

Me: Maybe I should try adjusting the wavelength so you combust instead of just getting burnt.

Was my main thought looking at what remained of the man.

Mafia: *croaking* please…I…help…

Me: Help you? Or that you can help me?

He simply nodded which was not very helpful as I was asking for a differentiation and not a confirmation. Still, too lazy to go outside for another round of 'act as bait' I decided to take the chance.

Me: So tell me, why is there a moderately weak guy like you among fodder?

His burnt eyelids were forced open as he looked at me in my disguise. Despite my blue eyes (common), I must have looked pretty scary as the next thing he did was shit his pants.

Me: Cracker's Shield, you better be kidding me. Toilets exist for a reason you know?

Tired of the bullshit I pulled him up by his hair at I brought him directly in front of my face before asking the important question.

Me: Do you know anyone with a lot of influence over the underworld.

A nod. Observation? Truth

Me: Can you lead me to this person

Another nod. Truth. That was all I needed.

Carrying the severed (but still alive head, thanks to my Devil Fruit) I found their main headquarters.

Me: A typical traditional Japanese house in the middle of France. What is this…a joke?

Mafia: Please…*croak* kill me…

Oh yeah, even though my ability doesn't kill him, he can still feel all the pain. I wonder what its like to have to endure decapitation for hours on end. Well…he was simply unlucky that I don't have the best sense of direction or the fact that he didn't give me clear instructions on how to get to the house.

Me: So it's the basement here?

With a final 'yes', I crushed the head in my grip and threw it over the fence of the Minka (Traditional Japanese house) before walking up to the wooden gates and busting it open.

Walking past the nicely decorated mini stone pathway and the koi pond and Asian trees, I walked right up to the Wooden sliding door.

Me: Slide to Open? I'm afraid I was never one to follow instructions.

Pulling back my hand, I gathered a bit of force before putting it directly against door.

Me: Knock Knock bitches. Eight Point Strik! Weakened


The entire house collapsed in onto itself as everything was demolished. Wooden splinters flew everywhere and stone shards embedded themselves all across the block. What remained of the house were piles of broken pieces…and a rather large and elaborate manhole right in the middle.

Me: Well there it is.

Ignoring the cries of someone who must have been inside of the house, I ripped off the steel circle, bolts and all, before jumping down into the darkness. It was a pretty short drop as only a couple seconds later I landed on a cement floor as the lights (It was a hallway) began turning on section by section like some b-class horror movie.

Me: I've made it all the way here so don't make me waste my time and go through whatever you have prepared.

I took out a couple corpses I now knew were from their group before dropping them onto the floor dramatically. Looking into the corner where I sensed a camera, I gave them a sweet middle finger.

Me: I'll count to ten before demolishing this place into nothing.

I was being so considerate and kind. Usually(?) I would have simply tortured or killed them, no questions asked, before getting the surviving one to do the work for me. Why was it so hard to get papers even when I was being so nice?

(A.N: Sure, Syrup gives no fucks but what's wrong with her? She's not supposed to be this bloodthirsty!)