Paradise, Blood Stained Snow

POV Third Person

Syrup looked at the blood smeared on her hand from the cut on her cheek. The lights in her eyes shaking with barely contained insanity as the flames in her left eye danced to the wind.

All For One, who sensed the madness building up inside his foe, chose to try and escape before something worse replaced Snowfallen…or could it be that this was the true Snowfallen?

The girl from before, while ridiculously powerful, had at least given the time for him to recover and fight. While the conclusion came down to fighting it out, some sort of communication with her was possible.

Staring into the burning eye shaking with insanity held back by a thread, All For One knew that what was coming was an entirely different Snowfallen, a complete different persona.

Syrup on the other hand was feeling the lust of power once again. A warmth and chill that surrounded her and pumped strength…her strength into all parts of her body. She dripped with lust as she felt the sins around her crawl and pleading, begging for power.

Her eyes burned bright as she began to see more than ever before. She saw space as it truly was…a single plane. She saw the fluctuations of time as timelines merged and separated. Finally, she saw the chains covering all parts of her…everything…the entire world.

Looking up, she saw her eye again. The skies above covered with the invisible chains that formed the outline of a moving and an eye that was very much alive. The same eye that had sent her here.

Snowfallen: Diana…so you are watching

She whispered so softly that no one other than herself could have heard it. Very well then. If the Supreme One is watching…

(Dark Souls Phase 2 Boss Music)

Her heart beat hard, hot, faster and faster and the sins of genocide pumped their power into her very being. She sensed her soul burn brighter as the quirk she had thought she knew grow more and more…becoming more.

She looked down again and saw All Might holding his ground…shaking but standing firm against her. Quite an achievement seeming as with her current strength, she could fight Mama on equal ground…or more. On the other hand, she saw All For One floating away…not nice to run in the middle of a fight isn't it?

The Cube responded to her will as space bent itself to increase gravity dozen fold, attempting to bring All For One down onto the ground. As the ground shook from the pressure once again, All Might fell onto his knee before hastily rising up. All For One, on the other hand, looked back once as if acknowledging the power before continuing to float.

All Might: No…no! It couldn't be!

Snowfallen: What is it All Might. Tell me what it is so I can bring back All For One. Either he is brought here or I go to him. He will not survive this day.

All Might on the other hand felt like the young boy he was decades ago when he was just a student. A student lost in guilt at the fact that he had lost his master…to the same man who had seemingly stolen her quirk.

He knew that during their fight, All For One only had a quirk that allowed him a temporary flight…nothing like the floating power he had now. Judging from his very posture, his use of the quirk, and the ease behind it, it could only mean…

All Might: Master Nana…no…Shimura sensei!!!

His voice broke as he remembered his motherly figure. His only parental figure in his life. The only person who had believed in him, supported his dream of a quirkless, powerless, young boy. While other laughed and called him delusional, it was Shimura sensei who gave him the drive and will to continue. It was Shimura sensei who believed in him as she sacrificed herself so that he would survive against that man.

Her master had passed on the torch to him thus giving him the One For All; however, her original quirk 'float' remained with her…until All For One had taken it.

All Might: 'Float'… my master's quirk ignores gravity on anything she touches, wills, and especially herself.

Snowfallen: The Fuwa-Fuwa no-mi, is it? Another Shiki the Lion…but this one seems quite weak for a legend. Such a powerless application for a power that holds so much potential.

The borders of the cube stayed the same but the stillness from its usual rippling borders created an eerie scene.

Snowfallen: Let's see how well you do in the Square. Let us see if you can dodge with your soul on the line.

The air shook with energy as gigantic skeletal structures began to cover up the sky. Horrific skulls the size of cars and some even trucks floated freely in the air as their jaws hung open…their blank eyes suddenly gaining a sense of consciousness.

Snowfallen: Obliterate

The world went blind as stunning white rays of intense heat blasted every corner of the cube. Scorched earth melted and any ruins were obliterated into dust. The smaller and smarter skulls sent their regards to All For One as if their rays had a note attached labeled 'To All For One' as the skulls chased down the Symbol of Evil.

The Bigger skulls blasted the entire area continuously, never ending. While the smaller Gaster Blasters had a name to chase after, it was as if the bigger ones simply had 'To whomever it may concern' as it's blasts erased whatever was left.

After seeing just what it could do to the ground, All Might was scrambling away from the floating skeletons as fast as possible while keeping an eye out for the bigger ones. Punches that could splatter All For One was bad enough, why did Snowfallen have to pull out another trump card?

All For One was sweating hard as all of his sensory quirks were pulled up to the maximum. Floating at max speed while dodging the rays as best he could; he learned the hard way that these rays were not meant to be blocked…the stump on where his left hand used to be was a good reminder.

AFO: What madness…

In all of his life, which was nearing two centuries, he had seen his number of powerful individuals. Individuals who's pure strength could life buildings, giants that could grow to be taller than mountains and mind control that could turn people into puppets. Despite this, each time these powerful quirk holders fell to his might as 'All For One' beat them down. His quirk had always been the apex predator, the sin of gluttony, the godly quirk.

There had been a few who had gotten extremely close such as the sixth and seventh holder of One For All (and assumedly All Might as well) but never once did he feel so powerless against an individual. An individual who did not have an all-encompassing quirk like he did to add to the pain.

This was the work of pure dedication and talent…not power based off of quirks alone. He had seen too many ice and snow users to know that much. He could only guess that she had found a way to add other quirks or usages of them into herself afterwards.

As he weaved through another spiderweb of certain death, he was so close to leaving the area. Just a couple more seconds and he would be out of this hell…out of this barrier from which he would chain-cast teleportation until he was sure he was out range of this ridiculous vigilante who he had underestimated way too much.

The boundary was very close now…and out of nowhere a giant Skeletal hand broke through the ground as it grabbed him. In it's hold, he struggled for a couple of moments before slipping through just as the entire hand burst into pieces on impact with the Gaster Blasters which were still on him.


Confident in his ability to make it out of the boundary faster than Snowfallen can teleport to his location, he was nearly there…just an arm's reach away then…

A blue light washed him and everything else within the boundary. A blue light that covered him and made him glow in the same blue. Blue that made him feel heavy…something that should not have been possible given his new quirk.

He was so close…he was so close as he started to drop before…he stopped? Was she floating again?

No…this was worse. He wasn't floating…he was grabbed by an invisible force.

Turning back, he saw his fears confirmed as Snowfallen's arm was stretched to his location with her fist closed…her left eye burning with the same blue that now covered him.

Snowfallen: Immune to gravity? Let us put that to the test. Your floating trick against mine to control.

As she yanked her closed fist back, All For One felt as if it was his first time riding a rollercoaster. His stomach was left back at the border while his entire self was pulled by an invisible string before…


He was crushed against some newly formed boulders. He barely even had time to cough out the pain before he was sent flying again…and again…and again. Gaster beams, which now had time to prepare, were burning into him mid flight as he was forced to regenerate burnt flesh and bone. A loud explosion ripped through his ears as he realized that she was flinging him across the city at supersonic speed.

From the sidelines, All Might could only watch in wonder and despair as the threat he had prepared to fight all his life was being handled like a toy…a broken toy. *BOOOMM* All For One was slammed into the ground so hard that a crater was formed. On the bottom at the center of the crater lied All For One missing a number of his limbs and body disfigured. Bones of all sizes kept him tied there while two black ribs, the same color as Snowfallen's attacks, had pierced him through his chest and neck.

From how slow the flesh regrew, it was obvious that his regeneration too was reaching it's limit. If his blank eyes which were rolled out was anything to go by, All For One had reached his limit with his quirk and has passed out.

Despite this, Snowfallen wasn't done. She wasn't going to commit the mistake of countless heroes of letting their enemies live to see another day.

Any threats are removed…permanently

Her closed left fist kept All For One at the bottom while she raised her right hand up high. This would drain her just a tiny bit…but it was worth the price to make sure All For One never got up again.

Her eye burned blue once again as her Yuki Yuki (Snow) power went into overdrive. She recalled her battle with perhaps her toughest foe, Fujitora, when she had been forced to create this move…and still lost.

She was different now. She was much stronger, tougher, older, experienced, and most importantly had an undying determination to see her will played out.

Since that fight, she had used this move only on foes who had proven themselves to a point she would call powerful or had earned her acknowledgement.

Snowfallen: Feel honored All For One. Though your goals were foolish and lofty, your determination to fight and resist death was impressive. So feel honored for I acknowledge you.

As she said those words, All Might sensed something horribly wrong…like something even worse than the floating skulls were coming. The air, already freezing, became even colder as something was approaching.

Something big…something massive.

He looked up at the sky but it was completely covered in dark clouds, preventing any ray of sunlight from piercing through. He might not have a sensory quirk but his years of experience told him to trust his gut…and his gut was telling him that Snowfallen had just done something mad.

He was about to charge Snowfallen to stop her from finishing what she had done when his wishes were crushed. Before his feet even left the ground, she was already done.

She slammed her right hand onto the ground as well as she shouted.


A single moment after her words, the skies split open as the clouds were blasted away to make way for what could only be described as a falling hell.

A titanic block of ice the size of the city they were standing on began dropping down at breakneck speed. Instead of melting as things are supposed to as they enter the atmosphere, the ice meteor instead began to turn darker and darker adopting the dark purple…and soon black. The same color as Snowfallen's attacks.

A wide grin made its way up to Snowfallen's lips as she reveled in the joy and the blood that would be spilt soon. The blood of a fallen enemy never to come back. Below her, All For One had just regained his consciousness as he started up at the black sky coming closer and closer to him.

For someone who had so desperately clung onto life, in the face of death all he could do was chuckle in defeat. One of his eyes fixed itself onto Snowfallen who has standing above him as he asked

AFO: What happens to a broken symbol?

Snowfallen's expression changed. Not to one of pity or sympathy but one of understanding. Understanding of wanting something so desperately, fighting and resisting for all a life is worth but unable to attain it.

Snowfallen: It would need to find a different purpose.

Satisfied with the answer, All For One closed his eyes as he felt Snowfallen teleport away to safety. As he felt death creep up towards his neck, it's scythe reader to cut loose his life from his already mangled body, he managed to let out one more mumble.

AFO: I should…after I find forgiveness in death

The meteor struck.

AN: Comments and reviews are love!