Paradise, Heroes

Chapter 12

POV Third Person

Location: Central Hospital. VIP Patient Room (ALL MIGHT)

The residents in the room had their jaw dropped to the ground as All Might began explaining his story.

All Might: … so it was Snowfallen that singlehandedly defeated All For One while I as watching from the sidelines trying to contain the damage. Her final attack which wasn't even aimed at me brought me to this.

They could only imagine the fight as they took in All Might's form; bandaged and powerless. All For One was already a big enough threat in the world…Japan was not ready to have another villain, let alone someone of Snowfallen's scale!

Nighteye: But Snowfallen is a vigilante, isn't she? Sensei, perhaps we can just leave her alone and she won't cause any problems.

The sidekick fidgeted a bit in his chair, which was too short for him, as he thought about the possibilities of having someone like Snowfallen on the loose.

Nighteye: If only I could look into the past…then I could see her for myself and get a good grip on her personality!

All Might: My boy, that is also the problem. Snowfallen easily pressured All For One into the defensive but there was one time when both of them hit their hardest, or at least All For One did…it was also the only time he managed draw blood.

All Might shivered upon calling the memory. Even looking back on it, it felt as if he was still in her presence; being choked by that mysterious crackling energy and feeling small and worthless. The release of such killing intent, rage, and insanity as she transformed. It was a scene that even a Nightmare wouldn't be able to conjure up.

All Might: You all only heard of her appearance as a petite figure who covers every inch of her skin. You are correct since that was show she appeared. The beanie, the hoodie, gas mask, all of it. But when All For One's quirk enhanced punch and her strike connected, the blast must have harmed her in some way as it blew away her disguises.

Mirko: You know what she looks like??!

Nezu: All Might! This is important! You must remember what she looks like! A vigilante who's appearance is revealed can no longer hide in the shadows!!

This was big! If they could track Snowfallen's real appearance, then they would be able to figure out exactly who she is and keep a close eye on her. Better yet, possibly find her and convince her to enter into the Hero System!

All Might: I remember clearly, don't worry! Kind of hard to forget the face of your nightmare. She's a child principal Nezu. A actual child.

Nezu: Yes…I did guess that. But I'm sure you remember more than that.

All Might: She had light pink hair, almost white. Her eyes were reported as blue if I remember correctly but that's a lie. It must have been contacts or a trick because I saw orange eyes. If she didn't strike that fear in me…I could say she is exceptionally cute as well.

As the Rabbit Hero was hearing this, she began getting more and more uncomfortable as she remembered the kid she had ramen with. Surely…it had to be a coincidence right?

All Might: While she had her mask on…I couldn't see her lower face…but once it was ripped off and she saw her own blood, it looked as if she was going insane.

Nezu: Going insane? What do you mean? Is this a quirk of hers?

All Might's breathing began to get heavier as she remembered how she changed after that punch. It was most certainly still her but everything about her was different. Her confidence turned into arrogance and her ignorance turned into bloodlust. Her original form might have been a vigilante, searching and doing something for the better out of the system, but her second form was undoubtably a villain.

All Might: After she took that punch…she began struggling with herself as she changed. Her physical appearance didn't change except for her expression and her eyes. Her left eye began to burn. A literal flame burned there Principal Nezu.


All Might really didn't want to explain anymore. Right now, he didn't feel like All Might. He felt like the weak Yagi Toshinori who was quirkless…weak.

Nighteye: Sensei, I know this isn't easy but we need to know!

All Might: There was this crackling lightning-like energy around her while she fought herself until her other persona took control. This was one…different. The Snowfallen All For One fought until then was a vigilante who was confident in her own strength and didn't seem to care about him or me in general. But the other one…

He took in a deep breathe.

All Might: I could only see a villain. The little sense of justice and moral she had inside of her vanished as the other part took over. To make it worse…it looks like the other side is far more powerful. She had powers in her arsenal so ridiculously powerful enough to make both All For One and myself look like kids.

All Might heard a gasp but he needed to continue.

All Might: She began manipulating gigantic bones strong enough to endure my One For All a couple of times. She summoned gigantic skulls which let out heat rays hot enough to burn through anything. She had telekinesis while All For One was using 'Float'. My master's quirk which should make the user immune to any sort of movement control!

Mirko was now shivering in both fear and excitement as she heard of such a powerful foe existing out there. Her logical mind was cursing her heart for being excited at such a prospect. But what can she do? She was a fighter junkie after all.

All Might: Then…she dropped that Ice Meteorite that did this to me. It wasn't normal ice either…it was ice covered in that same black that seemed to make everything invulnerable.

Nighteye: This…this is bad. Principal Nezu, must we inform the Public Safety Commission? As much as believe their goodwill, labeling Snowfallen as a villain will only make Japan her target.

Nezu: You are right. We cannot approach this like we did with All For One who had stuck to the shadows and was always clear in his desires. Snowfallen is a mystery…an enigma. One too powerful at that as well. I would suggest looking for her ourselves first and trying communicating with her. It seems like she's mostly not affected by her insanity part as long as she is unharmed.

All Might: All For One might be dead but I don't feel any sort of accomplishment at all…

Mirko: That's because you didn't accomplish anything senpai

Her words dug deep into All Might's already cut up body as his posture slouched and a dark cloud came over him. :(

Mirko: Hey hey, come on! As least you survived to tell the tale! We've potentially got another superpower Villain catch!

Nighteye: … sensei, you're not telling us something.

As All Might's sidekick and hardcore fan, it was Nighteye who was able to see that All Might was struggling with his words, specifically holding back certain information. His teacher would never talk this long and carefully. The usual All Might would say whatever is on his mind in an extremely loud voice with that smile of his instead of thinking before carefully selecting his words.

It should have been something along the lines of 'I HAVE LOST! BUT I AM STILL ALIVE!' Or 'HAVE NO FEAR, FOR I AM STILL HERE' but it wasn't.

Nezu: Yes, I sense it too. Is there something personal you do not want to disclose?

All Might shifted uncomfortably as he pulled up the conversation Snowfallen has had with All For One. He desperately didn't want to believe it but fate was never so kind. If he wanted to confirm the information…then Principal Nezu and his capable sidekick were probably the best people to tell.

All Might: Before Snowfallen and All For One fought…they talked for a short while. While they never directly knew each other, it seemed as if they knew each other through a man called Dr. Kyudai

Nighteye coughed slightly as Mirko narrowed her eyes. Everyone in the room knew exactly who Kyudai was. The figurehead and highest management of GrandLine that the public and media could reach. If he personally didn't state that he was neither the founder or the CEO, then people would (and some still do) think that he is the owner of GrandLine.

Nezu: Do you know how he is connected Toshinori?

All Might: All For One stated that Snowfallen stole him. Snowfallen then said that the doctor came willingly to her…so that could only mean…

It was as if the room got darker as the realization settled in to everyone in the room. The connection between Kyudai and GrandLine. The mysterious owner of GrandLine. The obvious hierarchy between Snowfallen and Dr. Kyudai. Who was the owner of the mega-corporation with an influence larger than any single nation?

Nighteye: … Snowfallen owns the GrandLine.

POV Nighteye

This…this was bad. No, scratch that! This was the worst case scenario! She had all of the classifications to be a true threat…not to just any one nation, but rather this entire hero society as a whole!

In addition, unlike All For One, there was barely any history to look back on or strike her upon…she was a very different breed of villain. The most dangerous kind.

A fool is one who calls himself a villain. A villain is one who acts upon their desires onto the world they live in…but a true villain manipulates the world to fit their desires.

All For One was a true villain as he had, for decades, manipulated society from behind the shadows and made a collective of Villains to do his bidding. It was different from normal criminal organizations that the belief the villains had in him was almost fanatical. They acted like zealots to their god, a man to their savior. Throwing away their selfish and cruel nature, they became completely subservient to the man as a new order on a level never seen before was founded.

It was only through the collective strength of the entire Heroes of Japan that kept their attacks under control, and even then nobody would reveal who was the man in the shadows. It was only after All Might's story that the dots connected to All For One.

Snowfallen was a completely different story. All For One had at least embraced his villainous nature and clearly set his ambitions as one society would define as evil. He was to become the Symbol of Power and Evil. Snowfallen on the other hand was no clear villain. My master, Principal Nezu, and others who would have suffered at her hands directly would call her a villain but to the public she was a hero from the shadows.

Someone who removes corruption, fights villains, and leaves without a trace. An urban myth…except it is true. If we publish what she had done and the number of people she had buried under her snow, it would become official that she would be a villain…but then what?

The true leader of GrandLine would be revealed and people would fall into a panic. While All For One's organization was a threat to people's lives, GrandLine has become a necessity. Already owning the majority of the hospitals and talented Healing quirk holders across the globe, GrandLine literally holds the key to people's life and death. In addition, where would the quirkless go then? Where would the quirkless get their quirks? Sure, most people were unable for afford one but it was hat cruel hope that one day they would be able to that kept the quirkless in line and agreement with this discriminatory world. If Snowfallen, and thus consequently GrandLine is blamed for her actions, then the quirkless would see the Heroes and the governments as the villains of their story.

To make the situation worse, I have no doubt that GrandLine would have a major influence over what goes or does not air on the media. They've already shown to be notorious when it comes to obstacles…who knows what would happen if a nation specifically targets them as a 'run by a villain' corporation. With their private quirk-holding military might stationed far across the world…it would be the end of Japan.

Mirko: We must issue a Villain warning now! Before she causes more destruction!

Nezu: No. That is too risky. We can only hope that she will return to where she came from without causing anymore harm here.

All Might: I AM WORRIED *cough* *cough*

Just as blood trickled over his mouth, I was by his side with a tissue wiping the corners of his mouth and a glass of water in my other hand.

All Might: Thank you young Nighteye! *gargles water before swallowing*

Wait…perhaps there was a solution. A way for us to discourage her from returning to Japan without drawing the attention of her anger or her company.

Me: Principal Nezu, Sensei. I have a proposition. Snowfallen is only dangerous if anyone engages her in combat or if her true identity and connection with GrandLine is revealed.

The Principal seemed to have followed my thought as he began smiling again.

Me: We will issue a villain warning for Snowfallen and Snowfallen only…no names or anything else attached. This will cause her great annoyance at Heroes all across Japan trying to bring her down as an official search and capture warrant is released…but on the other hand it will keep us safe from her rage directly towards Japan or our Hero Society.

Nezu: Yes. I can see that this is the best solution for now. I hope there will be a day when I can talk this young girl into another direction…but for now this is for the best.

All Might: What Villain Rank are you thinking Young Nighteye?

Me: SSS Rank.

Mirko & All Might: *spurts out drink* *cough* *cough*

All Might: TRIPLE S RANK? That is ridiculous! Even All For One was SS Rank, a DOUBLE S. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN AN SSS RANK BEFORE!


Me: Because there has never been a villain like her before.

Nezu: We cannot do anything else other than prepare for the future. All of you, you must go into training like you have when you were in U.A. Not only that, but you must raise the next generation…should we fail to take care of this evil.

Me: You mean successors Principal?

Nezu: Yes. I do hate to pass on a burden to the next generation but I must admit that I do not think that this is an issue we can handle alone.