Brother Bayu

"Nothing, just bleeding."

All ten, without counting Arjuna, laughed with satisfaction. Adri and his gang have become rivals for their group.

"Jun, you're playing, aren't you?"

Arjuna shook his head. He really likes watching gambling, but doesn't want to take part in the game.

"Sissy!" they smirked at the same time.

Maurasika's son and Yosi didn't care. He took out a cigarette and began to burn the end with a macis. Then he inhaled strongly the wrapped tobacco, then the smoke was slowly exhaled. There's no one who doesn't smoke a cigar there.

About four people are playing cards. While others watched while drinking, some were taking narcotics. Arjuna has been living this wild life for two years. Juvenile delinquency that attacks Indonesia is indeed at a high level.


Someone tapped the shoulder of Arjuna who was enjoying his cigar.

Arjuna mumbled, responding to his friend.

"Come to the boarding house, yok!"

"What's wrong, bro?"


Arjuna got up. It just so happened that his stomach was really hungry, and he didn't have time to eat. After saying goodbye to their friends at the headquarters, the two of them rode a motorbike away from the place of immorality.

Azan echoed in the pouring rain. They broke through the rain to get to their destination.

"Bang, borrow clothes! My clothes are wet." Arjuna said flatly as soon as they had reached their destination.

"Just choose in my cupboard. Wait a minute, I'll go next door, order food."

Arjuna nodded. He changed his clothes in the bathroom. Bayu's boarding room is indeed facilitated by an inside bathroom. He also washed his uniform a bit which was really dirty. Then hang it on a nail which is usually a place to hang towels.

He wanted to take a shower, but couldn't. The air is very cold, so Arjuna washes his face and washes his body as he feels it is necessary.

When he came out of the bathroom, that's when Bayu came back from ordering food. Two plates of warm rice and delicious side dishes are served.

"No coffee. I ordered tea. It will be delivered later."

Arjuna nodded, muttering his thanks. He joined in sitting cross-legged with Bayu, eating food.

When there was only half of the rice on their plate, there was a knock on Bayu's door.

"That must be our sweet tea."

Bayu rose from his seat. Walk a little and open the door. When he saw the little girl who was delivering him, he smiled kindly.

"Eh ... Brother who delivered huh?"

The little girl smiled shyly. He handed her a plastic bag containing two hot sweet teas.

"Thank you, Deku."

The girl nodded again, blushing. He also handed over the change to Bayu.

When the girl was about to step away from the room, Bayu called her.

"Wait! Om Bayu there is something for Adek."

The girl's eyes lit up with joy. Guess what Bayu will give him. Usually if it's not candy, it's chocolate.

Bayu went into his room to get some chocolates and sweets.

"Brother, just come in here first! It's cold outside."

Because of Bayu's shout, the girl complied. He also felt cold.

"You can't be cold, can you?"

"Ugh, how come you're 'brother', Om? Ma'am, please!" he protested sullenly.

"Loh, Nana is still a little brother." Bayu is seductive.

"But already have a sister."

Arjuna, who had only been watching their interactions, now smiled.

"Yes, yes. Mbak Nana. How much did you get at school?"

"One hundred!" he answered proudly.

"Smart. Later, if Adek, uh, Mbak Nana wins another place, Uncle Bayu will give you a prize."

The girl's smile grew wider.

"Which grade are you?" Arjuna spoke.

To be continued....