
Arjuna breaks down the door of Dini's house. From the phone call earlier, he heard Dini was very scared. He couldn't ignore her even though she had clearly been betrayed.

A week ago, Arjuna caught Dini making out with a new student in their class. A South Korean teenager. Arjuna didn't care, because all this time he felt he was just playing with Dini.

However, Arjuna did not expect that he would eventually care about Dini, the prima donna.

"Early!" called Arjuna, panicked.

However, the only sight he saw was Dini in her sexy clothes. It seemed, he had been caught up in the joke the bitch had created.

Arjuna smirked. Turns out, all the women he met were the same. Dini who Arjun thought was an innocent figure, but turned out to be a naughty person like Aisha.

At this rate, Arjuna felt like de javu.

"Ceh! Bitch! So, you just tricked me, huh? What do you mean when a burglar enters your house, eo?"

"Ah, yes. And the robber is currently negotiating with me." Dini wrapped her arms around Arjuna's neck. She gently blew Arjuna's earlobe. "Ugh~ don't you miss me, Jun?"

Arjuna took a step back. He didn't want to be tempted by the bitch, who, unfortunately, became his classmate.

Arjuna did not know how hard Dini's life was to be able to change the girl who was once so innocent, now turned into a wild woman.

Dini doesn't seem to give up. She pushed Arjuna down on the sofa. She rushed into Arjuna's arms, tightening her grip, not letting Arjuna have room to move.

Dini started to smack Arjuna's lips, and he seemed to have succeeded in making Arjuna give up. How can a cat refuse if given fresh fish bait, right? After all, they were at a passionate age. And at the age of all-knowing and experimenting.

Furthermore, they do activities that teenagers should not do at their age.

Arjuna has no right to demand Dini's loyalty, because for him Dini is just a bitch who will satisfy his desires. There is no love, only lust.

However, Dini seems to have no problem with that. As long as Arjuna is still on her side, she doesn't mind even though Arjuna will marry dozens of women in the future.

To be continued....