2. Dinner With The Goddess

Bruno opened his eyes to a peculiar view. He was sitting in a cushioned, fancy chair, in front of a table filled with several dozen of different dishes. Meats, fishes, salads. Baked, boiled, fried in deep oil, or just simply raw in case of the vegetables.

On the other side was sitting a young brunette, clearly in her twenties. She was wearing a simple green robe with intricate patterns embroidered around the collar, and at the ends of both sleeves. She had short, straight hair. Well combed. No jewelry indicating higher status.

Her both elbows were resting on the table, with fingers intertwined in front of her mouth. The plumb pinkish lips were obscured by the hands.

- Where am I? - he asked, fixing his position in the chair.

- In my domain - she answered, smiling.

- Your domain? Wait... I was just killed...

- Yes. You are dead, technically. Don't worry, here we don't really concern ourselves with reality. My name is Udaanah, and I have to say, I'm a big fan of yours. Most promising merchant of your generation, who never prayed to me for good luck even once. You achieved everything by yourself. Impressive.

- I prayed to you... - he said, looking around, still uneasy about the place he found himself in.

- For the first time! Unfortunately, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it happen. At least not the first part. It's very tricky to help somebody find the culprit behind the intrigue when they are dead. Although the second part, at least technically, is very much a possibility!

He was overflown by the informations and had to collect his thoughts for a moment.

- Second part? Do you mean helping me to build my own trading empire, to show my father how big of a mistake he made disowning me? How, when I'm dead?

- Those are all unimportant details - she waved her hand. - How about you aim a bit bigger? How about creating an ultimate business? How about creating a real empire?!

She stood up in a blink of an eye, extending her hands in both directions.

- What? Empire?

- Look... - she continued, after sitting down. - My proposition is this. I will send you to a different world with all your memories, experiences, and everything, in exchange for a small, tiny favor.

- W-what favor?

- You might know me as Udaanah, a famous goddess of wealth and trade, but in that other world, I'm less known and under a different name. I don't have many followers, which for us, gods, is an issue. So the deal is, I will give you a reincarnation, you will spread my religion.

He needed another moment to process the words.

- You want me to become a cult leader?! - he said frowning.

The whole idea was just ridiculous. He never was a very religious person himself. The prayer was just a stupid decision made on a whim.

- It's not a cult! How dare... - she almost got back on her feet. - Never mind. Let's both calm down.

- I'm very calm. Just your proposition is at least a very peculiar one.

- Well, take it or leave it.

Although he still couldn't understand the situation perfectly, the possibility of having a second life was definitely a tempting one. Especially considering that he had no idea of what might happen if he refuses. Still, this didn't mean he couldn't ask for more information or dig deeper by himself, by simply talking with her.

- I need more details. Like who I will be reincarnated as? And where? Can I choose? If I can I need some knowledge of the region.

- That's a bit tricky part. You can't choose, but trust me, I'll pick a perfect time, place, and family.

She smiled.

- Then how about the region?

- Let's make it a surprise.

And the smile was gone.

- That's nonsense!

- Maybe, but the alternative is even worse. I'll make you just cease to exist - she rose one of her eyebrows, looking at him with confidence that she already won the spoken battle.

Bruno became silent, thinking the whole conversation through. She for sure seemed very eager to send him out with the purpose, which meant that it was an important matter for her. If her followers out there were failing to spread the religion, and she had to use some outsider, then he had to have some importance, which meant he has some kind of leverage over her.

- Fine, but I have one condition.

- I would argue that you are not in a position to make any conditions, but let me at least hear it.

- Who killed me? You are a goddess, and contrary to what you said, you can make the first part of my prayer happen. You can just tell me, unless, of course, you don't know.

- Hmpf! Of course, I know - she pouted. - I'm a goddess after all! I just don't see why it's so important right now. You are dead, what will it change?

- Let's say I'm just curious - he leaned back, sitting more comfortably in his chair, feeling like he is leading the conversation.

The goddess sighed.

- It was your stepmother. She arranged everything, even the assassination. The next day your killers, obviously not the real ones, will be found among the working class. With a convenient story of sneaking into your room to steal the gold.

- Who is gonna believe that? - he was outraged at how ridiculous the whole idea was. - Nobody! I'm well known in the city. Nobody would dare to touch me. I basically brought those people from starvation. Do you know how much wealth my trade brought to that region?

- With a few arrangements here and there the story will be bought. Don't you worry about that.

- I'm not worried. It's simply ridiculous. It had no right to happen from the very beginning. Did my stepmother get some celestial help in her silly plot? Otherwise, I can't see this happening. It just can not be! How did she even put her hands on the documentation?

The goddess sighed again.

- I'll tell you, but you have to agree to my terms first. You will reincarnate, and spread the faith in me.

- Fine, I agree.

- I helped her a little, here and there.

- Oh great, so it basically was you who killed me? - he snorted, throwing his hands in the air.

- No. It was an assassin, now go, and spread the faith in Hadhawa far and wide! - she said and in the same moment, the table disappeared with everything on it.

Suddenly she was right next to him, and pushed him so hard, that he fell backward alongside the chair, desperately trying to grab onto something. He kept falling, and falling, until at some point he wasn't...

Everything became dark, and he could hear voices, but couldn't recognize the words.

- The baby is dead...

Bruno found himself in a small room located in the attic, with a single open window, looking straight at a busy street. He couldn't see any of that, struggling to open his eyes in this new body.

There were three people inside. His new father, grasping the hand of his wife, who was lying exhausted on the bed. The sheets and her dress were all covered in blood and drenched in sweat.

There was also a tall man, currently wiping his hands in a towel, next to the cradle. His apron was as dirty as the sheets.

- H-how ca-an this be-e? - mumbled the mother, too exhausted to talk properly.

- Rest honey - begged the father.

- The kid was stillborn. I couldn't do anything - said accoucheur.

The room smelled terrible, and Bruno could feel that very well, but the eyes... Those still weren't working.

- Open those bloody eyes! - he yelled on top of his lungs, but the actual sound was a bit different.

- B-ba...

The man immediately turned around, surprised by the sound. Both mather and farther looked towards the cradle.

- I-is h-e a-live? - asked the mother.

The man leaned towards the baby, and put his cheek next to the small nose, trying to feel the breath. Then using his thumb, he moved the eyelid, to look into the baby's eye.

- Aha! That's how this works! - said Bruno, but the sound was different again

- Gu...

He focused his sight on the face of the tall fellow.

- He is alive... But he was... - the man shook his head, like trying to wake himself up. - He is alive. Yes, he is alive!

A slight smile appeared on his face, as he looked at the parents nodding. And that's how the real story starts...