4. The New Kid

Bruno was eating breakfast in Mrs. Griselda's place with the three other kids. It was just like any other of those shacks. A bed on one side, and haphazardly made brick oven on the other, where all the cooking was done. There was a table in the middle with four chairs, all taken right now.

Usually, their caretaker would be inside, but this time she wasn't. She returned quickly, though, with a tall boy of slightly darker skin, black curly hair, and hazelnut eyes. He was tall for his age and surprisingly well built.

- Boys, this is Raul, and he will be under my care from today onwards. I hope you will get along - she said.

All of the kids knew that she wasn't hoping at all. They would get along, or she would make them using violence as means to achieve it.

- Hi Raul - said Bruno, and quickly returned to his food.

Some leftover sup from yesterday.

- Hi.

Mrs. Griselda brought a stool from outside, and the kids squeezed to make space for the newcomer. He sat among them, not saying anything. Bruno didn't eat for much longer and stood up to leave.

- Whare are you going? - asked Mrs. Griselda.

- I promised to be early today. I need to clean up the kitchen and then help with preparing food. A ship is docking today, and it's full of regular customers.

It was a lie. Bruno would always say that to make her let him go earlier. Right then he wanted to be alone and think. He was slowly putting up a plan in his head to get the hell out of his current place. He needed a product. Something revolutionary that would allow him to take the market by the storm, and earn enough to establish himself before the criminal underground would put their hands on his business.

There was just too much of that going on in the city. The influence of pirates was very strong. Achieving something like that wasn't a trivial thing.

He rushed through the already busy alleys of the docks, straight to the tavern. People were walking with intent, chasing their tasks, to make coins. He passed by Viki, already hunting for some careless sailors to pickpocket. They extended a silent greeting. She even smiled at him.

Those days she was doing very well and could support both herself and her brother, who was also a decent thief. Better with locks than her, but way worse at stealing coins from pockets.

The work was busy at the start of the day, just as always, then it calmed down when Bruno was sent to gut a few fishes in the alley at the back. This was his prime time to think, and yet again he didn't find the solutions he was looking for.

The whole day passed in a blink of an eye. Bruno, tired, was making his way back to the shack when few kids blocked his path. Raul was clearly leading them.

He looked the new kid straight in the eyes.

- What?

- Nothing, just the fact that you are having a nice job there. Hard to think that all you get ends in an old lady's hands. So... Why don't you give us what you earned today on the side, and we will let you return safely home? - asked Raul, smiling and looking back at his little gang who responded with laughs.

- What makes you think I earn anything on the side?

- Because I knew a kid who worked at a tavern once. Coins slip out of pockets. Some people are even generous... So?

- Then that kid clearly was lucky, but I'm not. I don't earn anything more than Mrs. Griselda gets by the end of the week.

Raul gave a silent signal to the boys, and they rushed to grab Bruno. He could try to run, but that would only prolong this situation, so he decided to face it.

The new leader of the kids' gang came closer and punched him straight in the stomach. It was strong enough for him to curl and fell down as the rest stopped holding him.

- I want the coins tomorrow if you don't want to get hit again - said Raul, and spat on the ground.

The whole group left laughing. Bruno struggled to get up, but eventually did, and slowly made his way to the father's shack. He was supposed to go visit Mrs. Griselda for dinner, but he didn't. He spent the night lying down on his bedding, at the bottom of his father's bed, thinking.

He went there the next day, and just like nothing happened, ate breakfast. Other kids laughed at him which even picked the caretaker's attention, but when she asked about what is going on, the answer was 'nothing'. She didn't care enough to ask the question again.

Bruno ate quickly to leave before others would, to avoid them, and just after passing by few streets, Viki joined him. She was wearing tight leather pants showing off her nice figure. She was very young, but her body was already curvy. The white, laced shirt exposing her bare shoulders wasn't helping to hide her beauty. Curly hair, now a bit longer, and big green eyes were completing the image.

- I heard you got beaten up - she said catching up to him.

- I did, and I'm gonna need your help.

- You want me to beat up the guys who got you? - she replied with a smirk on her face. - How manly of you.

- No - he stopped and turned to face her. - I want you to look into Raul. He just got under Mrs. Griselda's care. I want to know about his family and past. Can you do it for me?

Her smile got wider, and she got closer, to put a hand on his chest.

- Of course, I can - she whispered, winked, and turning on her heel, left.

Bruno sighed. Those days she was more and more behaving this way. She clearly was weaponizing her charms on him. Practicing.

The rest of the day went just like any other would. He worked in the tavern until late evening, and then finally left. Viki showed herself shortly after and joined him on his way back.

- What did you find out? - he asked bluntly, as they passed by few strangers.

Even at this time, the streets were busy with people still chasing the coins, but more drunkards were showing up with each hour.

- Well, he beat up your ass, but he is quite a poor kid himself.

- What do you mean by that?

- His father is a heavy drinker, very well known around because of how violent he can be. Recently his mother died. She fell from the stairs, but I think she was beaten up to death by her husband They got kicked out of their old place, and now they are living here.

Bruno became silent. His brain immediately started processing and thinking about how to use the information in the best way. He ended up stopping, and turning to face Viki.

- Heavy drinker... Violent... - he mumbled to himself. - I will need you to do me few favors.

- Few favors? What makes you think I owe you a few?

- Maybe you owe, maybe you don't, but if you want to stop living like you are living now, you will help me - he said with a sly smirk on his face. - I have a grand plan.

- Ok, I'm listening - she rolled her eyes to pretend she is not that interested.

- I just got an idea of how to earn mountains of coins and fix my problems along the way.

- Mountains of coins? That sounds interesting. What do we need to do? Steal it from the nobles? - she snorted.

- I'm not joking V. First of all I will need you to get me a few bottles of rum, and keep tabs on Raul's father. I need to know when he will be in the city.

- Ok, but you know... Money doesn't grow on trees.

- I'll pay you for that rum.

- So you do have money - a slight smirk appeared on her face.

- So you have heard what it was all about?

- Of course, I did. Who do you think I am? I know everything. - She moved her eyebrows.

- You didn't know I was saving money. That's really disrespectful. Who do you think I am, an idiot?

- You are many things Bruno, but certainly not an idiot.

- I can agree with that. Now, can you do what I asked you to?

- Consider it done - she said with confidence.

- Good. Now I need to find a way to avoid the beating on my way back... - he sighed.

She laughed and went in a different direction. Bruno resumed his walk towards Mrs. Griselda's shack. He added some extra distance, just to come from a different direction than usual.

The woman was waiting with food on the table. Everybody except him was already eating. Raul just peaked at him, and a smile appeared on his face. Bruno ignored that, knowing the payback is coming soon, and it will be a big one.