8. Thief and the Alchemist

The next five days Bruno spent without sleep, working during the day, and reading throughout the whole night using the candles as sources of light. It was tiring, and damaging for eyes, but he had no choice.

He really hated it. In his past life, similar situations happened from time to time, but usually, he would try to get six hours of sleep. The reality was that he usually got only four, but that was enough to go by, and function properly.

Right now there was no option for that. Finances were not good enough to allow a longer break from work.

During this period he took many notes. Several dozens of pages filled with informations on plants, animal parts, or minerals that could give the desired effects. He was also looking for substances that could potentially enhance the characteristic he was looking for or those which would get rid of the side effects or at least temper them.

There were very little informations about that in the books since they focused mainly on the properties of each plant, animal part, or mineral.

Moreover, he noted every toxic substance, since poison crafting was something that could prove useful for him in the future. He wanted to start making his body immune to as many as he could by consuming very small doses, but that was a time-consuming process, so the earlier he started, the better.

Not to mention how useful those could prove in eliminating unwanted figures.

He tried to get the best from what he had. He also made some sketches of the equipment and wrote down a list of what he would need to build it. It was mostly kitchen utensils, empty bottles, or stuff like scissors or nippers. Everything that was possible to acquire with the limited resources he possessed.

When it was all prepared, he went to look for Viki after his shift in the 'Salty Sturgeon' has ended. Bruno found her in a spot that she often occupied when she was looking for drunkards to steal from. A dark alley in front of the 'Full Keg', the best tavern in the whole docks where the captains, or owners of the profitable businesses were going to have fun.

There was a brothel upstairs of the establishment, so the place was a nightmare for wives, and a heaven on earth for the wealthy. Mostly men. The noise from the establishment was spilling outside, just like the lights, shining through the windows on the streets. There was still a bit of time before nightfall, but it was getting darker slowly.

There was a bunch of people hanging around the front door, but nobody seemed to be a worthy target.

She noticed Bruno from afar, going straight towards her so she went out of the spot, to meet him halfway.

- I have the list - he said as soon as they got close enough.

- I can't read, so you can shove the list up your ass - she said with a sour smile on her face.

- Why are you so angry?

- Bad day. What do you need?

Bruno sighed and started reciting the whole thing straight from memory, which surprised her a bit.

- That is quite a lot...

- It's all cheap stuff. I can give you eight iron galleons, which should cover most of it.

- How the hell did you get eight iron galleons?

- Working hard and stealing from drunk guests, how else do you think I could get this much? - he explained, raising an eyebrow.

- You have to be a better thief than I thought.

- I'm an opportunist, not a thief. Now... - he pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and slid it to her hand. There were coins wrapped in it. - Take this, and get what you can.

She nodded, taking the money.

- If you have the money, why don't you buy it yourself? - she asked. - There has to be a reason for me doing it, right?

- If somebody sees me buying those things, Mrs. Griselda is going to kill me, because I hid the money from her. She might not look like that, but all she cares for is the money. Besides I'm working all day, I don't have the time.

- Now I understand... Can you repeat what I need to buy again? I doubt there will be anybody to read it for me.

He sighed, and repeated everything slowly straight from memory, not leaving a single thing, then made her repeat everything, and corrected every single item. With that, they parted ways. Viki looked over her shoulder at the 'Full Keg' and also left. With the money she just got, there was no reason to stay around, and take risks.

She strolled around the docks, making sure nobody is following her, and ended up near one of the abandoned warehouses. This particular one was used for storing wine, but now it was empty, and her little gang made it its base. Normally it wouldn't be possible, and somebody would kick them out, but thanks to Nathan's connections they had it for themselves, although they had to pay tribute to Edward Samson, or whatever underling of his Nathan knew.

The boy was actually outside, chewing some tobacco, and looking at the moon. He had a knife in his hand and was playing with it. She noticed thanks to light sometimes bouncing off the blade.

She came closer and finally could see the boy's face. He was quite tall and had brown hair, tied into a ponytail. On his right cheek was a long scar, just below the eye. A sly smirk was almost a constant.

- How did it go? - he asked not looking at her, as she came closer.

- It didn't. No good fish to catch.

- But you got the money.

She froze for a moment, slightly biting her lip, as a shiver went down her spine.

- But it's not...

- I don't care - said Nathan, taking his eyes of the moon, and looking her straight in the face. - You pay half.

- But it's not my money. I have to buy some things with it.

- Let me repeat myself for the last time. I don't care.

She gave him a look filled with hate, as she reached into her pockets breathing heavily, and pulled out the piece of paper wrapped around the coins. She gave it all to him.

Nathan took a look at the list.

- Since when you can read? - he asked.

There was no answer to his questions, so he just shrugged his shoulders, counted the coins, and gave her four back alongside the piece of paper.

- Half is half - he said, spat the chewed tobacco on the ground, and went inside.

Viki waited outside for quite a moment, gritting her teeth in anger, only then she went inside.