12. Unexpected Guest

Then news about two dead guards and the escape of the prisoners spread through the city during the day like a wildfire in a dry forest. It was all the patrons of 'Salty Sturgeon' could talk about, so Bruno knew Viki succeded even without her telling him the news.

He suspected she was hiding until the whole situation died down a bit. He was unsure if her face could be recognized by other guards, or maybe it was due to additional caution. He did his best to focus on the work, instead of thinking pointless thoughts. And there was plenty of work, since where better to hold a conversation than in a tavern, with a mug of beer, or over some tasty meal?

He was like a ghost walking among arguing women in the kitchen, fulfilling tasks before anybody even asked him to do them. Peeling potatoes, onions, bringing fresh water from the well, gutting fish... It all appeared on the table just as the cooks needed them.

It was a busy and tiring day, but for him, it still didn't end, even when the evening approached, and he could go home. There was still plenty of things to do with the alchemy.

There was still enough sunlight outside, but since the day was grim and windy, and the hour late, he didn't have much time before the dark.

"Too bad she didn't bring me that equipment", he thought to himself, as he started the walk to slums.

Shortly after his eyes caught an unusual view. A smiling tall guy with a ponytail, chewing something as he was leaning on the wall of one of the buildings. He never met him, but he heard enough to recognize Nathan even without that. Still, he pretended as he didn't, keeping his pace, and not even looking for the second time.

- There is a word on the street you are good with potions - said the thief as Bruno got closer.

- Hello Nathan - he greeted him, without stopping.

Viki's boss pushed himself off the wall and started following the boy, catching up to him with few longer steps.

- What do you want? - Bruno asked.

- I heard you are in the making of some interesting business. I want to give you a helping hand. I'm a very generous person for friends of my friends - he said, and then spat the tobacco he was chewing on the ground.

- We both know that's a lie. You heard about the poison, probably from Tom, and that's why you are here because you need some of it.

Nathan chuckled.

- You are sharp, boy. Yes, I need some of it, but I'm also interested in your business idea.

- Making what I want to make will be a slow process, and I will need a lot of investment from you. I need books, equipment, ingredients, space, and time. Can you provide that?

- Can you provide me with what I want?

Two thoughts appeared in the young alchemist's head. One was strictly about the resources the gang of thieves could provide, not to mention new connections, distribution, and opportunities for testing. Everything he needed for a strong start, that would soon bring some results.

The other was about how much of Nathan's selfishness he heard from Viki, and his connections to Edward Samson, One-Eyed Shark, a legendary pirate, right hand of the Pirate King, Hugo Wagner. It was all bullshit, there was no way a petty leader of a small band of children thieves would know that man. He for sure had some connections, but it was rather to some of Samson's captains than the man himself.

The decision of which one to chose was quite obvious.

Bruno stopped, making Nathan do the same, and extended a hand towards him. The thief grabbed it, and shook firmly, with a nasty smile on his face.

- Is Viki alright? - asked the boy without breaking the handshake.

- She is. She couldn't stop talking about you and your plan, but she was exhausted, so I send her to get some rest. She is probably sleeping right now.

- Good. As I said, I will need a space for my work.

- We have some in our basement.

- Very well. Send Viki with some of your boys to my shack. I have some things to move

Nathan chuckled again. They both broke the handshake at the same time and then went in opposite directions. Bruno was quite hungry, and also knew that it will take a bit of time for the young thieves to appear by his shack, so he headed straight to Mrs. Griselda's place.

The dinner was already waiting, and other boys were eating. He joined them and consumed the food in silence. Raul was peeking at him over the food, but the rest didn't pay attention. His face was looking better now, but the hand was still out of use.

Too bad that his father was already out of the city because Bruno was confident that he will be able to create the first samples of his product in few upcoming days. With the drunkard present, he would be able to test them right away, but since he wasn't, Nathan's guys would have to find suitable people and convince them to drink the effects of his experiments.

After dinner, the boy headed straight to his father's shack. There was a group of kids already there. Visible even with the night right behind the corner. They had a cart. One was wearing a cloak, with a hood on their head. Even judging from far away, Bruno was sure it was Viki.

Most of the shutters in the vicinity were closed, but he was sure that some people were watching through cracks and small openings. They were all curious about the trouble the young boy got himself in, but didn't want to get themselves involved.

The kids laughed as he came closer, but he ignored them, and just opened the door to his shack.

- Come. I will show you what to take, and what to leave - he said with a confident tone. - Be careful. If you break something you will have to replace it from your own pockets.

They all looked at Viki first, and she gestured them to go on. Then Bruno instructed them which things to take. It all ended up on the cart and was later covered by the old rug.

Since the boy wasn't planning on returning to this place, he made them pack even his bedding.

Then they all started moving towards the old wine warehouse. Viki and he were moving at the back, few steps away from the rest because she was slowing him down, clearly to have a conversation.

- Thank you... - she started. - I didn't know what to do, and you just came out with a plan right away, even in the middle of the night.

Her face was obscured by the shadows and the hood, but he was certain she is blushing just by the tone of her voice and the posture. She was clearly making sure he wouldn't see her face as she spoke.

- I'm here whenever you need me. We are friends, and we support one another no matter what - he responded. - Besides, I didn't do much. You did all the hard work. My plan was risky, and you are the one who should take credit for pulling it off.

She didn't respond to that, and when he tried to have a peek at her face, she moved to avoid him. This was all he needed to be sure that right now she was in love with him.

They moved all the way to the warehouse where Nathan was already waiting for them, alongside a bunch of other thieves. They opened a large wooden gate at the back of the building, so the cart could move in.

- Welcome home - said the leader of young thugs.

- It's not my home - was Bruno's reply, as he moved forward to check the place out.

It was quite dark inside, with the only sources of light being candles and oil lamps placed on the tables in the middle.

The main space was filled with giant barrels, lying on their sides and being supported by wooden construction. Kids destroyed the lids and made small rooms out of those barrels, where they could sleep.

Bruno walked past those tables, heading to the stairs right beside the wall, leading down to the basement. He noticed leftover food, cards, dices, knives, and all kinds of small knickknacks as he passed.

The stairs were pretty dark, but deeper the corridor was better illuminated by the torches fixed to the walls. It was quite short with four closed doors leading to some rooms on the left, and a single one at the end of it.

Nathan followed him and quickly explained.

- The first one is my room, the second belongs to Viki. I couldn't let her sleep with those dirty bastards upstairs, could I? She is a girl after all. Your place is ahead.

Bruno nodded and went forward to open the door. The chamber he got assigned was large, and quite empty. Bright with all the torches inside, which was good, since it would allow him to work even after dark. Besides that, there was one hole, barred and closed with a shutter, leading outside to the street.

There was a single big table and two bookshelves, but besides that the whole thing was empty.

- Perfect - he said. - Put my things here, and I will take care of the rest. I will need few things, but we can talk about that tomorrow.

Nathan nodded with a nasty smile on his face and then left. Soon after that, the other kids started bringing the items from the cart.