14. Sign of Trouble

The next few days were pretty quiet, but Bruno knew that it's just a matter of time for the blade he helped rising, to fall and cause at least some ruckus.

He used this time to continue the research, looking for the right formula for the product he saw as the key to his future. Money was the opener to all sorts of doors that right now were closed to him. He also returned to his old habit of spending some time close to the shore and watching the ships, just as when he was trying to teach himself how to read.

The executioner's sword finally fell down, and the news spread throughout the shady figures in the city. Viki was the one to inform him, as she brought the food in the morning. She made sure the door was closed and then she spoke:

- Three leaders of our competition were found dead this morning, alongside a few of their most loyal guys.

- By competition, you mean one band?

- No, three. They were found in some empty warehouse, around a table where they were playing cards. Poison. Everybody is saying that Nathan was behind this, since he used to play with those three, and is the only one alive.

- Soon everybody will know that I made it - said Bruno and sighed. - Unnecessary trouble...

- What are you going to do?

- I need the books, I asked you for before.

She shook her head.

- It's not that easy. I need help to steal something this rare, and Nathan won't let others help me.

Bruno nodded slowly.

- I'll find a way.

He opened his mouth to say something more, but the door moved, revealing Nathan. The leader gave Viki a look but still went inside, closing the room.

- I need you to do something for me - he said to the young alchemist.

- What do you need? - asked Bruno with an emotionless expression.

- Can you make petards or something similar?

- That depends... Tell me what do you need it for. Do you want to blow something up, or rather burn it down?

Nathan looked again at Viki, then switched back to Bruno.

- Doesn't matter, both outcomes are good.

- Tell me more. You mentioned petards, which means you want to use that from afar. You want to show the groups, that just lost their leaders, who is the strongest around, don't you? You will burn down their hideouts to crush them completely. I think I can make something just for that, but I will need few things.

Nathan's expression told Bruno that he just hit the bull's eye, predicting his plans.

- What do you need?

- Did any of the boys here have ever been in the swamps, outside the city?

- No, I doubt that.

- Well, some of them will have to go. It's just two days of travel, if I'm correct. There are some brimstone mines located there. It should be easy to steal a bit, but more importantly, I will need the black oil. There are pools out there, with dark, thick water that smells characteristically. I will need that. As much as they can bring. I will also need some twine, saltpeter, and sugar.

- I'll get you that - Nathan smiled.

- Don't forget the books, and other materials I mentioned earlier - Bruno added.

- You will get them too!

The leader left, but they didn't speak immediately. Instead, they waited, listening very carefully. Viki at some point went to check if the corridor is empty, and it was. With this knowledge, she returned.

- Can you really make something like that? - she asked.

- I can, but this whole idea is bad... He clearly is trying to take over the docks, maybe even more. Before he was just some kid, with rumored connections to Edward Samson, but right now he is trying to show others that those weren't just rumors. He is trying to show that he has access to both poison and explosives to make others surrender. Otherwise, he would just set the fire under those places at night. This is a message. Since he wasn't showing this ambition earlier, before I showed up, it means it's not somebody from above him pushing for this. This is his own ambition, but Nathan isn't stupid enough to do such a thing if he knew he couldn't do it... - Bruno analyzed.

- So what are you going to do? - asked Viki.

- Well, the easiest solution would be to eliminate him...

- What's so wrong with us taking over the docks? - she said reproachfully, jumping to Nathan's defense.

- It's not bad at all. I would even say it's good. The way he is doing it, though, is. But you didn't let me finish what I was saying previously. I get it that he took you in when you needed help. Gave you food and a roof over the head, but that doesn't mean his decisions aren't stupid. There are much better ones, just under his nose, but he doesn't trust in my product - Bruno sighed. - Continuing my previous thought... The easiest solution would be to eliminate him, but it would be just as stupid, if not more, than what he is doing now. Maybe a couple of dead kids won't grab anybody's attention, but fire will. I need the books. I need to figure out who he is connected to.

- He sometimes goes to a ship that docks at the shore.

- What's the name of the ship?

- "Blue whale"... I think, but I'm not sure.

- No, that doesn't help. At least not now... Thank you though. Now I have some clues. Go ask him about those books. I think he might let you get some guys to help.

Viki nodded and left. Bruno's head was full of thoughts. The troubles started sooner than he anticipated. The product wasn't ready, and there was a risk that he will have to abandon this place to save his life from the trouble caused by Nathan.

He needed to solve the connections riddle and finish the potion. That was the key to salvation, and to progress. He sighed and went back to work.