17. Bet

A few days filled with work passed, as the product Bruno started calling a 'Fix' hit the market and the demand was high since the news spread throughout all the taverns in the city. The first money returned from the sales and was immediately invested in more materials, to cope with what the people wanted.

Bruno just finished work for the day and was stretching, before leaving his room in the basement, to have a walk. Nathan entered the underground lab without knocking. The young alchemist immediately stopped and looked at the thug with eyebrows risen high in silent question.

- Come with me - said Nathan straight away.

These were alarming words, so Bruno tried to judge his mood to determine if he should worry or not.

He seemed rather happy, and relaxed, but it could be just a facade created to disorientate him, although he sincerely doubted the young man was capable of such a thing. He was very naive in so many aspects. Didn't have the finesse people from Bruno's past life had.

- Whare do you want to go?

- It's a surprise, but trust me, boy, you are gonna love it. I arranged everything just for you, to show my appreciation for your help.

- I don't like surprises.

- This one you are going to love, lad. Come - Nathan made a wide gesture with his hand, indicating that the alchemist should follow him, and left the room.

Bruno sighed, hesitated for a moment looking around the makeshift laboratory, and followed, after grabbing a knife from the table, which he hid in his sleeve. Just in case.

The two of them left the warehouse just as it was slowly getting dark outside, and started heading in a direction where several things were located, which wasn't helping solve the mystery of their goal.

- Can't you just tell me where are we going? - he asked after a few steps.

- To 'Full keg'. We are celebrating tonight. Your product is on the market, our band is taking over the docks, everything is going smoothly in the direction it always was supposed to go, and all of that thanks to you, boy. You deserve a drink.

- I'm not a drinker.

- Today you are. You deserve it. Come...

Bruno wanted to sigh, but he stopped himself, instead he followed in silence, trying to solve the puzzle.

"Why now? Did something happen when I was busy with work? Am I not aware of something?', He kept asking himself.

He also paid attention to his surroundings, making sure they are really going where Nathan said they are, plus to people. He wanted to be surrounded by people to not suddenly get grabbed by the other members of the gang.

Soon the 'Full keg' showed itself on the horizon, with the usual crowd next to the entrance. Bruno quickly noticed that there were more people outside than normally. It seemed like bouncers were not allowing some of them in, which was peculiar, since all of them were fine men with coins, judging by their attire.

"How the hell a ragamuffin like me will get inside?", he asked himself.

Nathan's resolve and energetic steps were making him quite confident that there will be a way, of which he wasn't aware yet. And it really was. They got inside without any trouble.

It was a bit darker there since most of the windows were closed, and the only sources of light were candles on the tables, and the ones hanging above on the wooden chandelier in the shape of a steering wheel.

It was quite crowded. A band was playing in the corner and singing loudly some sea shanties, with the help of quite a few already drunken patrons.

The first thing that hit the boy was the smell of tobacco smoke, sweat, alcohol, cooked meat, and spices, all mixed together. It was so thick that his eyes started tearing up.

Most of the tables were full of lively customers, drinking, talking loudly, singing, and playing both cards and dice. The waitresses were providing them with mugs filled with drinks, and food on the plates.

There were also quite a few ladies from the brothel above, fishing for rowdy men with full pockets. Some were already in action here and there, sitting on the lap of a few eager guys.

He noticed one with her big rack out. She was shaking it, which caused the man on whose lap she was sitting, to turn her around, and bury his face between those tits.

- You want one? - asked Nathan, as he noticed where Bruno was looking. - We can get you one, but first drinks. Come.

He grabbed his hand and pulled him to a corner, where an empty table was waiting for them. He pushed the young alchemist to a chair, making him sit down, and himself took the spot on the other side. They both had walls behind their backs.

Bruno used this moment, to drop the knife on the floor, and kick it.

- Beer! - shouted Nathan, as he slapped a hand full of coins on the table.

Copper galleys. A lot of money. Their view lured the waitress in, and she snatched in, to quickly return with two mugs filled to the brim with foamed beer.

- How do you like this place? - asked Nathan.

Bruno wasn't sure what to answer. There was really something going on in that place. He was just sure of that.

- It's not for me, I'm afraid.

Nathan snorted, then he quickly glanced around.

- Hey, you, come here - he shouted at one of the ladies.

She was quite pretty, wearing a long red skirt, and a white shirt, with exposed shoulders. She had long brown, and wavy hair, a pair of ripe brests, exposed just enough to lure mens' eyes.

She started walking towards him, but he gestured to her, that she instead should be going to Bruno, which she immediately did. Giggling, she went behind him, while touching his shoulders, and came from the other side, pushing her butt onto his laps. She sat on him sideways, presenting the brests to the boy, and smiling invitingly.

- She is my gift to you - said Nathan. - Come on, touch those tits! They are yours tonight!

The girl was quicker and grabbed Bruno's hand, to push it between those tender breasts. He only partially heard all of that, still trying to figure out what was going on, and then he noticed. Quite a few people were looking at his table, but he was not exactly their point of focus. Nathan was.

- No, thank you - he said eventually and pulled his hand out.

- You don't like me? - asked the girl, in a sweet voice, pretending to be sad.

He ignored her completely, focusing on Nathan, whose eyebrows were quite high, indicating a surprise. He didn't expect it at all.

- I prefer water to beer, and I'm not interested in those women.

The thug's expression changed. His face hardened.

- I asked you to stop going outside at night, but you still keep doing it. Do you want me to start sending my boys to accompany you? - he asked, with a tone that indicated a threat.

- I don't mind. Especially since you already are doing that - said Bruno. - And I know what you are trying to do. A classic carrot or a stick. First, you brought me here to give me something non of your other guys would refuse. A woman. They can get tobacco or booze, either by stealing it, or paying with stolen money, to pretend they are adults, but they can't get a woman. Not enough coins in their pockets to pay a whore. So that's what you are offering me. A glimpse of a better life filled with good alcohol, and ladies that wouldn't mind my age.

Bruno pushed the girl off his lap, and she landed heavily on the floor, with a short squeak that escaped her mouth. He didn't even look at her, too busy observing the patrons around him, because there was still something missing, and he really wanted to find it.

- I threw the carrot away, so now you are showing the stick, but you stabbed yourself in the foot. You showed how much you need me, which means that no matter what you say, it will all end with words. Am I wrong?

Nathan opened his mouth to say something, but a loud laugh silenced the whole tavern. It came from behind, forcing the boy, to look over his shoulder.

A tall man with a curled mustache, a day-long beard on his chin, and tattoos on both forearms, exposed with rolled-up sleeves of the white, loose shirt stood up and started clapping. Everybody's eyes were resting on his figure.

- I told you, Nathan. That boy is something. He figured you out even before you figured yourself.

He then started walking, to join their table.

- Why don't I hear any music?! - he shouted.

The band immediately started playing.

- There was a man on our ship, they called him Billy boy the 'creep', because he liked to walk with his exposed dick... - started the singer.

The man laughed again.

- I love this song. Isn't it funny? - he asked, but didn't expect an answer. His eyes rested on the girl, still sitting on the floor. - Come here, honey. Maybe the lad doesn't like you, but there is a space on my lap.

She picked herself up, giving Bruno a look filled with hate, and obediently same to sit on the man's lap. He without hesitation grabbed her shirt, and pulled it down, exposing the naked breasts.

- So, young lad, you are probably wondering who I am, aren't you? - he asked, as he reached to grab the mug filled with beer that Bruno evidently wasn't going to drink.

He immediately took a big sip from it, covering his mustaches with white foam.

- You are Billy 'The Razor' Fisher, captain of the 'Blue whale' - said the young alchemist.

This caused another eruption of laughter from the man.

- Did you hear that Nathan? I told you this boy is special - he then turned back to Bruno. - You see the two of us made a little bet as soon as I heard about you, kid. Nathan here thought he will make you his underling, but I told him that no matter how young the lion is, a lap dog won't dominate it.

- Lapdog? - asked the boy.

- Yeah - confirmed Billy. - Nathan here is my lap dog. You see... He used to be a deckhand on my ship, but I noticed how good he was with his hands, so I told him to find a few boys, and make his little gang, so he would put his skills to use, and not waste them cleaning the deck.

Bruno nodded slowly.

- So what now? You clearly wanted to meet with me, since you came here.

- No boy. You came here, to me, but yes, I did want to meet with you. This might wait, though, till tomorrow - he said, and grabbed one of the exposed breasts, and squeezed it hard, making the girl flinch. - Couse I found myself more interesting company for tonight.

He ended chortling because of his own words.

- Now excuse me. I and the lady have things to do.

The girl picked up on his words and stood on her own feet. He did the same, and putting his hand around her waist, grabbed a handful of her ass, and squeezed. Then he led her towards the stairs.

- I guess the conversation is over - said Bruno, turning to Nathan, after following Billy for a solid moment with his eyes.

The thug didn't answer to that. Clearly still angry about the whole situation. The young alchemist just stood up and left heading straight towards the warehouse. He had enough for one day.