19. Surprise

The day progressed as it normally would. Bruno did his exercises and meditation, then he focused on alchemy, but he didn't work for too long since the visit of Billy interrupted him.

He knew that this might happen, so he even put on the nice clothes that he acquired recently thanks to the revenue from 'Fix'.

The boy was standing behind the large table covered by haphazardly made alchemical equipment and piled up ingredients. There was very little space for anything else there, but he found some in the corner for a piece of cloth to put down.

The pirate entered the underground room like he owned the place, which actually was the case.

- What a diligent young lad. Working from very early morning - said the man, as he curled his mustache.

- I was waiting for you to come - replied Bruno.

- I was wondering if I should send somebody to pick you up, or if I should come here myself. Then curiosity got the best of me, and here I am - he spread his arms.

- You said yesterday, that we will have to talk today.

- I did. Come with me. We need to go somewhere - he smiled mysteriously.

Bruno nodded slowly and grabbed a piece of cloth, to wipe his hands, then he put it back on the corner of the table.

- Let's go then - he said, and came out from behind the piece of furniture covered in alchemical equipment.

Billy left the room, leading the boy outside. The few kids still remaining inside the warehouse watched them both very carefully as they were leaving. Just a single glance was enough to see how much they feared the pirate. The tables were cleaned up, there was no usual laughing or arguing. Complete silence. Some of them even made an effort to hide in their little sleeping spots in the large barrels.

- Where are we going? - asked Bruno as soon as they got outside.

- To visit a friend of mine and your new working place.

- My new working place? - young alchemist repeated the words, as his brain focused on analyzing what was hidden behind those words. - Alchemist guild?

- Exactly. You see... We have a little deal going on.

- You get them rare ingredients you steal from other ships, and they get you medicine, oil for weapon conservation, and probably other things.

Billy laughed.

- You are as sharp as my razor, kid. Yes. They get me those things, and some more stuff.

- Laudanum, for killing pain?

- Yes, and more.

Bruno could think about a few more things, but he didn't count them out loud. Instead, he remained silent and kept following the man.

He was clearly leading him out of the docks area to the part of town where several other districts were located, but probably to the city center, where the alchemist guild was located. They had several buildings there. A storage house at the back of their main shop, and a few others around, where the different people were working on the different things. Mainly just workers focusing on manufacturing things that were sold in large quantities. The proper alchemists were working in the comfort of their own small laboratories.

A properly equipped ones, not the stuff Bruno was working with.

- I pulled some strings - informed Billy - and you will get your own place with few workers to work on your little project, but in exchange, you will make more complicated things the other alchemists. For free obviously. In this way, you will pay them back for the place, and also learn a thing or two. The income gained from your product is yours, though, with my small share.

- Your small share? - asked Bruno.

- Yes. Half.

- That's not a small share - the boy pointed out.

- Fine. Three quarters then.

- Thank you, but I'll stay with half.

Billy laughed out loud, gaining the attention of those passing by who didn't recognize him previously. People were just walking out of his way, mainly because he obviously was a pirate. Not too many knew exactly who he was, but the fact that he was a wolf of the sea was enough to make the land rats want to stay away.

The ships were the blood of the city. Without them there wouldn't be enough food and money, so the pirates who controlled sea traffic were respected first, and feared second.

- I like you, boy. I really do. I hope this partnership will work out. I'm really curious what you will become in the future.

- I will rule the world - said Bruno.

Billy laughed again, getting even more attention from the passing by people, and he kept laughing for quite some time. To the point, that tears came out of his eyes, and he had to wipe them.

- I didn't laugh this much for quite a while, boy. Come on, let's go. There are people waiting for us, so we can't keep joking like that. I can't laugh and walk properly.

For the young alchemist, it wasn't a joke. He was adamant about his plans to take over the world. He had no idea how exactly to achieve that, but he knew that he definitely can, and also the first steps he should take. The rest was gonna come to him with time.

The two of them made it out of the docks and finally entered the trade district, heading straight to the city center. As they reached it, Bruno for a moment looked at the city hall, where not too long ago Viki killed two guards.

It was a quite crowded place, and very noisy with people yelling over each other. Somebody was advertising fresh fruits, somebody else fresh fish. Others kept arguing about the prices. From time to time there was also a ruckus, caused by people who bumped into one another.

The guards were present in numbers. You could see their black cloaks with ease as they walked through the market.

- I have a question. After the fires in the docks, did you keep the guards away from Nathan?

Billy stopped and glanced over his shoulder at the boy, forcing him to also stop.

- Why are you asking this?

- So you did, didn't you? Wasnt it... troublesome?

- It was - he responded, and started moving again. - But now he is controlling the strongest gang in docks, and soon will take over the whole district. That has its benefits.

- He might step on somebody's toes with such a reckless movement.

- I'm aware of that. Do you hate him or something, kid?

-No. I just believe that he doesn't think his decisions through properly, which might cause trouble. For him, for you, and for me.

- No. Not for you. You will be staying here from now on - said the pirate and pointed out at one of the buildings ahead of them. - But he will still be taking care of the deliveries. His boys are good at this, and I have this strange feeling that you would fuck me over on the coins, so let's call it a safety measure.

Bruno didn't say anything to that remark, and just looked where he was supposed to.

Billy was pointing at a quite large, but simple, two-story house with the emblem of the alchemist guild hanging above the door. A bottle on a single, green leaf. Their main shop, where they sold medicine to those who could afford it.

Bruno decided to just keep silent. He had a different opinion but arguing wouldn't get him anywhere, so he saw it as pointless.

The two of them made it all the way to the shop without talking, and Bily pushed the door, causing a bell placed inside, above it, to ring, then he walked inside. The boy followed him.

The inside was just a rather small room with one long counter and two large racks full of shelves behind it with a narrow space for a person. All the shelves and the counter itself were filled with bottles, small stones, herbs, powders in bowls, and tiny leather pouches. There was also a weighing pan and weights, small ones. Perfect for measuring little amounts of the medicine or ingredients.

On the right was a door, leading to the further parts of the building. A person came out of them and quickly glanced at the two who just entered.

The man was rather young, with short black hair, and a freshly shaved face. Wearing plain clothes covered by a white apron.

- How can I help you? - he asked immediately.

- By bringing me Batraz - replied Billy.

- So it's you... Is it the boy that was mentioned? - asked the alchemist, pointing at Bruno.

- Yes - said the pirate. - Now get me Batraz.

The man nodded and turned to vanish in the passage behind him. The muffled voices of a short conversation reached the two of them, and soon a grey-haired older man, with a rough beard came out. He was wearing glasses, that almost hid the dark circles under his eyes, and an apron over plain clothes. It was dirty with soot, and some green liquid, that looked like juice squeezed out of some kind of plant. There was also a bit of blood.

- Billy... So this is the boy who made the famous 'Fix' huh? - the old man smiled.

Not just with his mouth, but also his eyes.

- Yes. That's him - said the Pirate. - Bruno, this is Batraz, the head alchemist. The man behind this business.

- I'm Bruno - said the boy.

- I heard a lot and actually tested your little creation. I'm quite impressed - said the grandpa. - This is Orfeo. He will take you to your new workplace, and will also come to you with a task from time to time. I know that you will be working on your product, but you still have to prioritize the tasks from him. He will also bring you books to read. I'll try to teach you something when I will have a bit of free time. We are quite busy here, so there is no time for a proper education I'm afraid, but according to Billy you won't have any problems with that.

Bruno just nodded.

- Very well. Orfeo, show him the building.

The young man nodded, and took off his apron, then pointed at the door. Bruno left the building, just as the gesture indicated he should, and was followed by his temporary guide.

They didn't exchange a single word until they reached a smaller building at the back alley. It wasn't as big as the main shop, and definitely not as magnificent. It clearly was used to store some things before, as there was a large wooden gate leading inside instead of a normal door.

- You will work here - said Orfeo, and opened the gate, letting the light illuminate the interior.

It was quite dirty inside, with spiderwebs hanging from the wooden beams holding up the roof. There were some broken crates still there, and a few large tables just shoved in, with some alchemical equipment placed on them.

- Everything you need to start working, should be already here. As for ingredients, bring me the list to the main shop. I'll get them as soon as possible. You will repay us later after you sell the first batch. You will get a few guys to help you, but they will be available in a couple of days, as they are doing something different right now, so you have to clean up and prepare the place by yourself. You also have a room prepared in the main building, upstairs. Any questions?

- None - said Bruno, and passed by Orfeo, while rolling up his sleeves, to immediately start working.

He was left alone in his new laboratory, but not for long. Billy swung by, as he finished talking with the old man. The kid was already halfway done with throwing away all the unnecessary things from the inside.

A pail of wood was created, as a byproduct, on the other side of the alley.

- Working hard? Good - said the pirate.

- There is plenty to be done. You could help.

- There is no way I'm doing that, kid.

- Then how about a diffrent favor? - Bruno asked as he pushed out a half-broken crate.

- What now?

- There is a girl in Nathan's crew. Her name is Viki. I want you to send her here, and pay her a whole golden galley.

Billy snorted.

- And why would I do that?

- Because you need me, I need her, and one golden galley doesn't mean anything to you. Besides, I'll pay you back.

- You drive hard bargain kid, but I like you - said pirate, and pointed at the boy. - Now go back to work.

With those words, he left and Bruno had to deal with everything alone. At least until a few hours later, when Viki showed up. She was all happy, obviously because she just earned a lot of money. It was quite easy to persuade her to help, and even return tomorrow with a few more guys to finally put the place he got, to use.