21. Pottery

The idea came unexpected, as Bruno was reading a tale often told to children in the Eastern Empire, which in itself was quite an interesting topic. It was a large country that was occupying almost half of a very large island to the east. It was so big, that normally it would easily be considered another continent, but not in this strange world.

There was also a Western Empire on the very same island and a few smaller countries in between the two powerful forces, which by the way were victims of every conflict between the larger powers.

The tale was about an influential civil servant who attempted to poison princes to then heal her, so the emperor would grant him her hand. Unfortunately, the plot didn't work out, as it usually was the case in such tales, because of an annoying peasant who happened to be in love with the noble girl.

The tale itself wasn't important at all, but the way the poison got delivered was. It made Bruno decide what to do. The only problem was to find the time. With Nathan's and Raul's requests still pending, and all the work for Batraz, plus the business, he just had too much on his plate.

He already sent Viki to talk with the young bully, so he would wait a couple of days needed for the poison to be made, which bought him some time, but the situation was still very far from ideal. He needed help.

The next morning, after the usual training and breakfast he went to talk with Orfeo, who was already working in his small laboratory in one of the rooms. It was quite stuffed with all the equipment and multiple racks filled with ingredients. There was only one large table, barely fitting all the things, and enough space left around it for no more than one person.

- May I interrupt you for a short moment? - asked the boy standing in the open door.

The young man stopped what he was doing, and looked at Bruno.

- If you have to.

- I need a favor. I have to do a small thing in the city, but I don't want to leave the workers on their own. Could you go there, and look for them from time to time? Just to check if they are working.

Orfeo snorted, and then chuckled for a short while not hiding his attitude.

- No. I couldn't. I know who you are, and what you did. You don't have to be a genius to connect the events. You are a dirty rat. A scoundrel. Batraz only agreed to take you in because of Billy, but don't delude yourself. This is no place for a poisoner - he almost spat while saying that word - like you. I know that you were behind the death of those two poor guards. Now get the hell out of my laboratory.

Bruno just backed down and left. It was easier to find Viki in the city, and ask her for a favor than try to win a fight that was already lost. He swung by the manufactory in the back alley and checked if everything was going smoothly. Then he rushed to the docks to find the girl. Knowing the places she usually hung around made it quite easy.

Now, when the coins were flowing from selling the product he invented, she didn't even have to steal to have some money on her, but she still kept doing that, just for the sport. He found her watching the streets near 'Full keg'. The hour was too early for a good score, but she was observing the patrons coming in and out anyway. She saw him from afar and actually stepped out of her spot in the alley.

- That's an unusual view. What are you doing here? - she asked.

- Obviously, I need a favor. I need somebody to watch the workers because I have something to do elsewhere. Can I count on you?

- Yeah. Where are you going?

To the pottery shop. I need to make something.

- For alchemy?

- Yes.

- See you soon then - she said and passed by him, heading towards the market.

Bruno glanced briefly at her, and then went straight to the pottery shop Nathan showed him some time ago. At first, the owner was quite skeptical of helping him out, but the coins were persuasive enough. Three copper galleons and a couple of iron frigates for the material. A price the boy happily paid for achieving what he wanted.

Then he went to the back of the workshop and started working. Modeling the clay to create a teapot. It was not that easy, because his skills weren't that good, and on top of that the description from the tale wasn't that detailed, but he knew the principle behind what he wanted to create, and had enough patience to try, and try again.

By the end of the day, he was unable to succeed with his creation and decided to return, but still informed the owner that he will return with money on the next day, since he wasn't finished. Then he rushed straight towards the factory in the back alley, to talk with Viki and check how things progressed during his absence.

He found her eating an apple and sitting on a broken plank of wood in front of the entrance to the building, where the workers were cleaning up after the busy day. She was watching them carefully. The sun was already slowly setting down.

- Was everything fine? - he asked.

She chewed slowly the piece of fruit she had inside her mouth, not really rushing to answer him.

- Yes. I was bored out of my mind.

- Good. I need you to return tomorrow. I didn't finish what I was making.

She rolled her eyes and sighed.

- Please, V. I'll pay you back.

- Fine! Fine... But I want something fancy. A ring. I want a ring.

- Alright. I'll buy you a ring.

She smiled at him, and then picked herself up, with a sly smirk on her face. She clearly felt victorious with the promise he made to her and left with her head risen high. Bruno watched as she was walking towards the docks for a moment, then went to close everything up, and thank the boys for their hard work throughout the day.

With that out of the way, he finally returned to the main building, ate, and returned to the laboratory to quickly make something for Raul. He had to work with the light from a bunch of candles, so it took longer than it would usually, but the poison was ready. He placed it in one of the corners and covered it with some stuff nobody was using anyway. Then he finally could go to sleep, just to wake up very early, and quickly start the new day.

He practically ran out of the main building, heading straight to the pottery shop, to have more time to try and make the correct teapot. He had to pay the owner again to use the space, which wasn't ideal, but there was no other choice.

Normally he would ask him for help, but the connection the guy had with Natan could destroy the whole plan. As long as he had no idea what Bruno was making, and thought it was just some alchemical equipment, everything was fine. Just to make this believable he was actually making some things he could need on the side.

In the end, the second day was also unsuccessful, and what he made wasn't working properly, so he just broke it, like anything he made previously and went to the manufactory to meet with Viki.

He found her walking around the place, looking at the alchemical equipment, as the boys were cleaning up after the work.

- One more day - he said as she noticed him.

She sighed.

- And I need you to deliver something to Raul. Can you do that for me?

- I'm not your slave, you know?

- Yes, but you are my friend.

His comment made her smile, but she immediately bit her lip to hide it.

- Fine. Just give it to me.

He hid the bottle in the corner, and didn't really want to take it out with the workers around, he tried to stall a bit, so they would leave.

- I will, but first... I took a look around the market on my way back and glanced at some rings. Obviously, I can't afford anything fancy yet, but I saw some nice pieces with amber. Would that be fine with you?

It was an obvious lie, but knowing a bit about traded goods in the city, he put his wager on something quite believable.

She turned around to hide her face from him and nodded.

- Yes, it would.

Meanwhile, the guys left, and Bruno didn't wait any longer. He picked the bottle containing the poison from the corner he hid it in and gave it to Viki.

- Tell him to add a bit to the food or drink. It will be slow and look natural, but will definitely work.

- Is that...? - she asked.

- Yes. I keep my promises. - He lied.

She nodded slowly, and hesitated for a moment, then took the bottle and left.

Bruno on the other hand returned to the main shop to eat something, and get a bit of sleep, to go for the third round the very next day.

When the night came, he finally made the proper working teapot from the old story and tired out of his mind, returned. During the dinner, Orfeo was constantly looking at him with disgust painted all over his face, but he didn't say a thing. The boy was just too exhausted to deal with that and went straight to sleep.