24. A Ship To Nowhere

As Bruno, alongside Orfeo and Batraz, was eating his breakfast, a sudden pounding on the door stopped not only him but everyone else. It was clear that somebody was at the door leading to the shop, and demanded to get in.

- I'll open - said the boy and rushed there.

For him, it could be somebody who ran to the guild to inform him about Nathan's death, probably Viki. He was almost right, as he found the girl on the other side of the door.

She had tears on her cheeks and was panting heavily from making all the way to the market.

Even the day was gloomy and windy, with dark clouds hanging over Blackrock. People passing through the city center were constantly looking up, to check if it won't be raining soon.

- What happened? - he asked immediately, keeping up a serious expression, although he really wanted to smile.

- Na-nathan! H-he i-is sick! - he answered with a trembling voice.

- Sick?

- He is puking blood - said Viki.

Bruno nodded and moved forward forcing her to make space for him as he closed the door. The thug didn't drink enough of the poison on the previous day, and that's why he was still alive, but the fact that he had internal bleeding was indicating that he wouldn't hold much longer.

- I told him to be careful with the stuff I made for him - said Bruno after closing the door.

The last thing he needed at that moment, was Orfeo finding out he was still making more poisons and then telling the old man.

- Can you help him? - asked Viki.

- If he didn't wash his hands after using the poison, or drank a bit through accident he should live, but his severe reaction says that his body is not taking this very well. I can't do anything. He just has to fight this on his own.

Viki started sobbing.

- I'm sorry V. He has to push through this.

He tried to put his arm around her to cheer her up a bit, but she pushed his hand away and crying bolted back in the direction of the docs. The boy watched her until she vanished between buildings. Then he went back and joined the two alchemists by the table. On his way back he caught himself on the fact that he didn't give her the ring.

- Who was it? - asked Orfeo.

- A friend of mine. She wanted me to help her with something, but I can't today. She was quite angry that's why she was punching the door so hard - he lied.

The young man clearly wasn't buying it but Batraz smiled.

- You work a lot, Bruno. I would propose to take over with your 'Fix' for a day, but sadly I myself am quite busy as well - he smiled again after saying this.

- It's fine. There is plenty of other people she can ask for help.

The old man nodded and returned to food. The boy quickly finished his portion and left to open the workshop at the back alley. The other workers joined him soon after, and the production started.

He focused on work until the time for lunch came, then he took a small break to swing by the main building and eat something. Surprisingly Orfeo was not present, but there were plenty of other people. With a full stomach, he returned to work, not expecting Viki or anybody else to show themselves up and notify him about Nathan's situation since he was almost sure it was not going to happen.

It was slowly getting dark when he returned to the main building for a dinner. Some quickly made scrambled eggs with a bit of bread on the side. Orfeo also made tea for everybody, as he managed to get back from wherever he went. It was actually the first time he left the shop during the day in such a manner. Batraz was a bit late, still working on something in his laboratory, so the two of them ate together in silence.

Bruno was rushing a bit with the food, wanting to get some time for reading or maybe even a short lesson from the old man if he would find the time.

Suddenly he felt weird. The view in front of his eyes got a bit blurry, and it felt like he was looking from much further away than he was in reality. Then there was just darkness.

He woke up having a serious headache, with something over his head, probably a bag, that was blocking his sight. His hands were tied behind his back, but the legs were free. He could smell spices in the air, but that could just be because of what was covering his eyes. He also felt the ground moving a bit, which indicated he was on a ship.

There were people around him. At least two, but he could only see the darker outlines on the dark background. There clearly was a light source in the space he found himself in, but it was quite dim.

Somebody took the bag off his head, and he could see again. He was indeed inside some ship's hold in a cell made out of wooden planks tightly nailed together, but the door was open. A person of a rather small frame wearing a thick cloak that was hiding their clothes, with a deep hood covering their face, took the bag off.

Behind whoever that was, was a single olive lamp, hanging on a nail jammed in a wooden beam supporting the roof over their heads.

The place was quite cramped, which indicated the vessel had to be small, or maybe this little space was hidden, for smuggling purposes. There were crates piled up on left and right sides, taking most of the space.

The second person, a bit taller, also wearing a cloak and with the face hidden in the deep hood was standing a bit further, next to the door.

- You woke up - said Orfeo throwing the bag to the ground, and pulling the hood back to show his face.

Bruno kept silent.

Then the person from behind took a few steps towards him, and the young alchemist stepped back, to make space.

- You were such a promising student, with a bright future. Sadly you can't help but use your skills for the wrong reasons - said Batraz, showing his face. - It makes me sad, but I won't allow you to put our name to dirt anymore.

His facial expression hardened, there was no compassion on it. The deal was done. Begging for mercy wouldn't change anything.

- You are going against Billy? - asked Bruno.

- Yes I am - said the old man. - But don't worry, he will never find out. You poisoned one of his guys, but he didn't actually die, so you ran away. He is going to buy that story.

- Nathan is not dead?

- I helped him - informed Orfeo.

- See? That's what you should be doing. Helping people! - said Batraz spitting at him from all the power he put into those words.

He was furious.

- I was forced to do what I did. I didn't want to make those poisons - argued Bruno.

- And yet you didn't come to me with that, and just simply made them. You can't be helped. You can't be redeemed. You will tell me whatever I want to hear just so you can save your skin, don't you? - asked the old man.

The boy didn't answer.

Suddenly somebody entered the place they were in. It was a young man. Clearly a sailor with sunburned skin, and brown, curly hair almost covering his eyes. He had a small scar on his lower lip and was wearing a red scarf around his neck. His pants were a bit short, reaching barely past the knees. He was actually barefoot.

- You done? - he asked Batraz.

- Yes - said the old man.

- Five silver galleons and you will never see him again - said the sailor.

Grandpa pulled the coins from his pocket, placed them in the sailor's hand, then left, followed by Orfeo. Bruno actually waited for them to leave. Meanwhile, the unknown man came closer to close his cage.

- I work for Billy 'The Razor' Fisher - the boy whispered. - He will give you way more than those two for me.

The man laughed.

- He won't give me the sum I'm gonna get for you in Meshek, so you can shut your mouth. If you scream I'm gonna gag you. They told me you are smart, so I hope I won't have to. Because If I do, I would also have to beat you up, and there would be no food for a few days...

- You are going to sell me? As a slave?

- Exactly - he smiled. - You will end up in a wealthy house, so don't worry. Although you are going to spend the rest of your life there.

There was more to that smile, although Bruno couldn't really figure out what. He quickly analyzed his situation and came to one conclusion. What he needed to do was scream on top of his lungs, but not something random. Rather a specific phrase that wouldn't get simply ignored.

- Billy 'The Razor' Fisher!! - he yelled.

Sadly for him, not for too long as a fist came between the wooden planks and knocked him out.