
When she found out her real identity as Selah Spencer, she found more information about her birth family.

She was able to collect photos of her family members and saw how she resembled them.

She still felt saddened that a huge part of her life was taken from her.

Now that she's back, she wouldn't take this opportunity for granted. As Song Jia, perhaps she has never experienced grieving for a loss of a loved one but as Selah Spencer aka Cynthia Dorsey aka Luna, she is familiar with the concept of death. At present, she still has her grandfather, her uncle and her father who loved her dearly. She wouldn't let anyone harm them as long as she's here.

As much as she was feeling vengeful for those who assassinated her, she thought that perhaps she should thank them as well. For if not for them injuring her so heavily, she wouldn't have reunited with another piece of her. She would have stayed as a person they call 'trash'.

Based on her memories, she used to be able to cultivate, this was what her grandfather said to her as well. Therefore, it could only mean one thing. She was harmed which is why she lost her ability to cultivate. She didn't recall being heavily injured in the past other than what recently happened. There was one other possibility. Poison.

But no matter, after her two souls merged, the poison was successfully expelled as well.

Which is why it's so important to become stronger while they still think that she's already dead.

Looking at the jade pendant on her hand, she wondered if this thing is the one responsible for her things from the apartment appearing in this world.

'Hmm.. Do I only think of it and it'll appear? Is this it's only purpose? It would have been nice to actually take a shower like the one in the apartment. Ah.. I just remembered I still have soda inside the refrigerator. I wonder if I can have some.. Hehehe'

She only thought about it and didn't really think it would appear when suddenly, she felt a queasy feeling in her stomach. It was like she was seeing her vision getting distorted. She closed her eyes so she won't be dizzy anymore.

A moment later, the feeling subsided and she opened her eyes.

What greeted her was her apartment unit. She looked around the room. It really was the very same. However, when she opened the door, expecting to see the hallway and the doors to another unit, thinking this was only a memory or a dream, she saw a yard.

"WHAT?! WHERE is this place?" She exclaimed.

"This is inside your Spiritual Artifact." A tiny voice answered. A little girl in a white traditional dress looking like a fairy appeared.

Song Jia jumped in surprise when she saw her. 'A ghost?'

"I'm the Source Artifact Spirit of this spirit artifact." The girl sounded amused.

"Spirit Artifact? What is that?"

"Spirit Artifact is a treasure that has its own intelligence. I am the source artifact spirit in this one." The girl hovered around, moving from side to side like in a dance.

"Come again? What do you mean by that?"

"A source artifact spirit was an artifact spirit bred from within the artifact itself; it was also called a true artifact spirit. The birth of a true artifact spirit required infinite effort, sacrifice , and even more resources. One needed hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years to form one. A master had to unite their will with their weapon, fusing in their own true essence and bloodline, and also experience numerous lucky chances before forming one."

"So, this is a space created by the spirit artifact, and you are its spirit. I assume not all spirit artifacts look like this. I mean, inside there is an exact replica of my home before."

"Uh-hmm.. That's right." She beamed at Song Jia.

"So this is all the space of the spirit artifact. The room and the yard?" She looked around her. Beyond the yard is darkness.

"Well, if I grow it will enhance the quality here too." The little girl waved her arms as if showing how far the space would expand then.

"And how do we do that?"

"As long as I can fuse with various types of rare and heavenly materials, this is possible."

"I see.. So the Spirit artifact is the Jade pendant that my grandparents gave me?"

"Yes.. When your soul appeared in that world, I also went with you and was dormant inside the pendant until the day came that you combined with a piece of your soul. It activated the soul artifact but at the moment, my ability is still lacking as you can see."

"My soul? Are you saying that I'm the original owner of the pendant?" She was taken aback.

"You were the last master of the Spirit Artifact. Before you, there were still a lot of masters who were able to activate this. The room is the one that changes according to who the master is. It could be a hut, or a courtyard."

"There were masters before me? Then, why is the space so small?" She frowned as she kept looking at the darkness beyond the yard.

"You need to strengthen yourself first to fully use the Spirit Artifact. Your power right now is only this much."

"Did your previous masters activate this to the point it expanded beyond this yard?"


"What? Something wrong?"

"Actually, this is the extent of their space as well. Anyway, I had a master who loved to garden. He planted different kinds of fruits and plants here. Some of them would leave books, weapons and other treasures here. There's even a chest full of pills and elixirs."

This surprised Song Jia. Didn't that mean she has a lot of resources now?

"You had a Master who is an Alchemist??" She looked at her in amazement.

"Yup. Not only one, there were a number of them. Also, Spirit skill masters, Beast Tamer and Array Master. Ah.. They also had a lot of interests other than cultivating and their profession, so you might find a lot of interesting things once you look around."

"I see. This is really amazing.. Ah! What do I call you?"

"..." The Source Artifact Spirit looked at her in bewilderment. How should she answer? All this time she has always been referred to as the Source Artifact Spirit, or Spirit.

"Do you have a name?"

"I've always been referred to as Source Artifact Spirit or Spirit."

"Ugh… Calling you that way reminds me of those movies I watched before.." She shuddered.

"Umm.. you can call me however you like then.." The little girl tilted her head in anticipation.

Song Jia furrowed her eyebrows looking upwards with her thumb and index finger resting on her chin.

"Ah! I'll call you Jing." She grinned wide. "Ah! I like the name Crystal…"

She said the word 'crystal' in English.

The little girl had her eyes wide when she heard the name she chose to call her.

The meaning of Jing is 'crystal; calm and quiet; energy; perfect'.

Song Jia thought that this name is really perfect for the little girl. Looking at her in her white traditional dress, and in her gentle expressions, this name really suited her.