The Tale of the Lanky Man

"Then, I won't bother you both further.. Young Master.." Peng Jian bowed to the young man courteously then quickly went back to her young miss's side.

Lu Ping saw the maidservant whisper words to her young miss. Cheng Lan eagerly listened, her eyes brightened. She then spoke to her maidservant who replied with her head bowed down. Upon hearing her maidservant's answer, her eyes narrowed and her face wasped in dissatisfaction.

Cheng Lan looked at the young man intensely, hoping for him to turn to look at her in this way. But it was useless, the young man had started to enjoy his meal.

Song Jia didn't bother with Cheng Lan's group and only focused on enjoying the meal and listening to news.

Behind her table, a group of men were in an intense conversation as they ate and drank their fill.

"Have you really seen it? I mean, with your own eyes.." The bearded man in commoner's clothing shook the lanky man beside him.

"I already told you, didn't I? It looked like a horse that had a horn on its head!" The lanky man was annoyed at being shook, he kept trying to shake his hands off him.

'A unicorn?' Song Jia thought. 'Nah.. it couldn't be the same as I thought, right?'

"Does it have the features of a dragon?" The bearded man probed further, finally letting go of the lanky man, but leaned even closer.

"Yes! It also still looked rather young..But it can't be underestimated as it runs so fast. Those who were hunting it were even having a hard time.."

"So where is it now?"

"That time I was at the City of Azure when I saw it. I'm not sure if it went to Oblivion Lake or if it came this way.."

Oblivion Lake is a city in the neighboring kingdom of the Kingdom of Hou. It is the border city of Bifang Kingdom. The mountainous area of the two and a wall divides the territories.

'If it's here in Hou Kingdom. Could it be hiding in the Mystic Forest?'

When the lanky man mentioned the appearance of the said beast, she already knew what it was. 'A Qilin huh..Why is it all the way here?'

"What if it came to our kingdom?"

"That's a possibility.."

"It's more than likely to be hiding inside the Mystic Forest.."

"I agree."

"Are you guys planning to catch it?"

"Well, it would be really useful to have it.."

"Just think about it, it brings luck and prosperity!"

"Also, if one of us can tame and contract it, just imagine the power!"

"However, the Mystic Forest is filled with spirit beasts!"

"Hmm.. that is indeed a problem.. But it's a problem that we can solve by being well-prepared."

"Yes, we could hire mercenaries to help us.."

"But who would get the qilin in the end?"

"How about whoever can subdue it, can contract it? Hmm?"

"...can't say it isn't fair. After all, to contract that qilin needs a lot of power. Only the one who could subdue it will be able to contract it in the end.."

"But none of us knows how to tame beasts.."

"Then we'll hire someone from the Beast Tamer's Guild!"

"Good idea!"

"That's settled then.."

"By the way, what if none of us could contract it?"

"Then we kill it.. Dissect it and eat its organs.."

"Would it even taste good?"

"Only one way to know that..but, hopefully it wouldn't come to that point.."

The men continued to discuss their plans in hushed voices.

The men continued to discuss their plans in hushed voices.

Lu Ping found it strange to hear them plan their cooperation in capturing the Qilin. 'Would they really team up to get the qilin and willingly give it to the other if they can't suppress it first?'

On the side, Cheng Lan, Wu Bao and Wei Ai also heard what the men said. The trio glanced at each other, turning serious.

They are from merchant families and are also cultivators. Although they are only at 3rd rank, they have people who could suppress and tame the beast for them. Each of them thought how brilliant it would be to contract the Qilin.

The three are close friends but at the moment, nobody expressed their willingness to work together. Their only silent agreement was, whoever could get to it first is the beast's owner.

"Oh! Look at that! I've already spent a long time out here.. Everyone's probably looking for me now.." Wu Bao barely ate when set down her chopsticks. "Let's meet up tomorrow?"

"Ah.. you just reminded me. My dad had told me some relatives are coming over and I need to be home to greet them.. Cheng Lan, I'll be going home first, alright?" Wei Ai wiped the corner of her lips with her handkerchief.

"Sure.. See you tomorrow then.." Cheng Lan was still smiling but her eyes were not. Once the two had left with their maidservants, the smile fell from her face.

"Send a message to the family about the beast." She ordered Peng Jian under her breath.

"Yes, miss." Peng Jian quickly left her side and went out of the restaurant.

Cheng Lan was not willing to leave just yet before having talked to the young master.

Her fingers clenched the handkerchief on her lap, her brows knitted in a frown. 'What to do to get his attention?...hmmm.. Ah! I got it!'

She stealthily threw her handkerchief by the young man's foot.

"Ah! How embarrassing! I'm so clumsy.." Her hand flew to her mouth, feigning surprise. She looked at the young man, waiting for his reaction.

'Gotta say she got guts..heh' Song Jia bent to pick up the handkerchief and dusted it off. The pink silk handkerchief had a flower embroidery on it. The stitching was well-done, impressing Song Jia. 'Hmm.. if I learn how to do this, I wonder if I could sell it..'

'Jia, why is it that you're always thinking of selling stuff? Is the clan out of money?' Crystal spoke from inside the Spirit Artifact.

'Kuh! No.. haha.. Isn't it better to earn my own money though?' Her eyes were shining, filled with mirth. Her lips curled in a smile. However this lovely picture was seen by Cheng Lan, causing her heart to beat faster.

She thought that the young man's gentle reaction was for her.

"Young master, if you could please return my handkerchief to me, I would greatly appreciate it.." A gentle smile appeared on her face as she turned her body to face the young man.

"Young miss, be careful of your possessions.." She handed the handkerchief to Cheng Lan, devoid of emotions.