
"Young master, are we staying in the inn tonight as well?"

" It's time we go back to the residence."

"What about Old Cheng and Xiong Chen?"

"Them…" Song Jia glanced at Sun Xun and Wan Yan who were overseeing the cleanup.

'Do I leave them with those two? Or do I take them with me?'

Song Jia thought about it long and hard.

She nodded. She smiled widely as she came to a decision.

"Young Master?"

"Come with me.."

"Eh? Alright.."

Song Jia walked to Sun Xun's side with Lu Ping following behind.

"Big brother Sun.."

He turned to her. He saw her smile widely, her eyes were almost crescents. "What is it?"

"I'll go back to the office of the agency.."

"What for?"

"Just because.."

Sun Xun's brows are knitted together.


"I'll go with you.."