Song Yimu's Promise

Sun Xun could sense her cultivation rank clearly now that she was not hiding it. He was pleased at her progress. However, he was clueless as to what made her angry. She was looking calm on the outside but he could almost see the dark cloud above her head.

Huang Dan continued to beg him for forgiveness. She wanted to run away but her body was hammered in place. It was as if a huge boulder was on top of her, pressing her down until she was no longer able to speak.

Song Yimu on the other hand has become ashen. She trembled in fear, her hairs stood on end, it was as if every sweat her body produced had turned into ice. "Please.. please forgive us."

However, it didn't lighten the oppression they felt. 'Does he really dislike being around women that much?'

"Please.. let us go. I won't show my face in front of you ever again."

It lightened slightly.

"Is that so?" Sun Xun's aloofness came through in his voice.