[Bonus chapter] Alone Time

Song Jia didn't understand what he was talking about.

"Something wrong?" Her brows knitted.

"Ahemm..it's nothing.." Wan Yan thought it was inappropriate to tell Song Jia about what her sister has been up to all this time.

Song Jia shrugged. She didn't insist for him to tell her and just continued to eat.

Sun Xun shot a look at Wan Yan causing the other to shrink his neck.

When they finished, Song Jia waved her hand and put away the plates.

"Would you like to look around?" Sun Xun asked her.

"Sure.." She got up and followed him as he showed his courtyard and the room the school let him stay in. It was also decorated just like his courtyard back in the city.


"You sure you don't want to stay here?"

"Pfft.. come on.. Just having the excuse that the headmaster is calling for me would give the other students some ideas.. All the more if I stay here." This was not her first time being in an institution after all.