
The next day, Xia Hu, the Array teacher and head of the Array Masters' Guild called Song Jia's attention.

Those who didn't know that she had already been scouted by Xia Hu as one of the guild's members, thought that she had gotten herself in trouble.

"Shi Jin, you will be getting array lessons from a teacher other than me. If I'm not present, you can ask for his advice." He told her.

"Alright, Teacher Xia." She nodded.

"Come, I will take you to him.." He gestured for her to follow.

They walked out of the now empty room and headed to the teachers' courtyards.

Song Jia followed Xia Hu quietly.

Suddenly, she noticed that the way has become rather familiar.

Although this way was indeed the area for the teachers, she noticed that he was walking toward the direction of the courtyard of a familiar person.

"Quicken your pace! We don't want to make him wait!" Xia Hu reminded her.

"Yes, Teacher Xia.."