
A bead of sweat slid from the brow of Emperor Ding Shun of Hou Kingdom.

He sat across from Sun Xun looking  nervous. He was usually calm and composed around his subjects, always maintaining his dignity around foreign envoys and royal families. But none of them made him as nervous as Sun Xun did.

'Crap! How would I know that when I was playing matchmaker that time would result in this? That Huang Bo--how could he raise such a daughter?! Such a disgrace!'

It was not only that Ding Shun was on tenterhooks because of the Song Clan's connection to Sun Xun. But it's also because the General and Vice-General have the military behind them. They have served the kingdom for as long as he could remember, they have trained practically each soldier in the kingdom.

They were also not abusive with their power and actually brought dignity in their service.